Nicole | Migraines, Arthritis & Mental health.

Bearable user story portrait
Bearable user story portrait

How Nicole manages Migraines, Arthritis & Mental health with Bearable.

What’s Bearable helping you to achieve? Before Bearable, whenever I would go to the doctor, I would say, “I don’t know, I don’t remember. I’m sorry”. This sounds super cheesy but seriously, with Bearable it’s helped me document important health changes I’m experiencing. I feel I’m given the power to help advocate for myself when my body makes it hard for me to. Other apps I used didn’t allow me as much depth or breadth. Bearable makes it easy to find a specific day/ symptom/ whichever that you are looking for which is super easy! I’m literally overjoyed I found Bearable because it feels like I’m given the power I needed back, at the tip of my fingertips.

What impact has this had on your health and/or well-being? Bearable helps me document the small things I’m experiencing or the large. I feel it’s allowed me to be able to report back to my health care providers and say: on this day I experienced this. What can you do to help me? I feel Bearable also helps set me up for success to be a better and healthier person too.

What are the main reasons you’d recommend Bearable to somebody? Bearable allows you to document SO MUCH. It feels like there’s no limit! Other apps really don’t allow you to record a range of things you’re experiencing. You can also add factors (that maybe Bearable missed). So it really gives you a lot of opportunity to use it for what you need.

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.

Maria | Anxiety & Chronic Pain

Maria's Bearable user story

How Maria manages Anxiety & Chronic Pain with Bearable

What’s Bearable helping you to achieve? To calm down during a rough day. I recently moved to a new country and started a new job and the adaptation process has been hard even with the support from my colleagues and the friendly people I’ve met on the way. I feel better when I recognize that I’m having a difficult day or that I’m overwhelmed and that there are actions I can take to feel better.

What impact has this had on your health and/or well-being? I feel relieved after completing the different categories and I recognize better what is bothering me during the day so I can either change it or avoid it.

What are the main reasons you’d recommend Bearable to somebody? It’s easy to use, it’s customizable and you get reminders to complete the information during the day.

What else would you like to tell people about your Bearable Story? I’ve struggled with anxiety since I can remember and it’s good to find apps like Bearable that are available anytime.

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.

Alia | Chronic Illness

Alia's Bearable user story
Alia's Bearable user story

How Alia uses Bearable to manage Chronic Illness

I started using Bearable because in the past I had trouble communicating and understanding what was wrong, I had less ideas of what to track and gave up on tracking because I had notes but no way to view the data. 

Bearable helps me to better track and record medical problems, be more aware of symptoms and emotions, and better track what helps relieve pain/problems. This has made it easier to communicate with health care professionals & my fiancé about what is wrong. It is also helping me pinpoint symptoms and understand which are long term problems.

The main benefit of Bearable is that all the data in one place allows for easy analysis. I used Daylio before and I prefer Bearable because there is more I can do with Bearable. Also the bearable Reddit and Discord community is awesome and super helpful.

I would recommend Bearable to anyone with chronic health issues to help with management and communication with their doctors, it also acts as “proof” to show how significant events impact your life and change moods, symptoms, etc. Also anyone that wants a better understanding of their health and wishes to improve upon it, whether for determining blind spots or to just understand health better for peace of mind.

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.

Robyn | Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain

Robyn's Bearable User Story
Robyn's Bearable User Story

How Robyn manages Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain with Bearable

I started using Bearable because someone told me about it several years ago, so I thought I’d give it a try.

Dr’s had told me back in 2005 to “go away” because  “there’s nothing I can do for you (as I’m allergic to most pain medication) as there’s been very little research done on your condition you’ll end up in a wheelchair one day”.

After spending 2 years working with a very good naturopath a combination of herbal concoctions and gentle exercise helped improve my quality of life.

In 2010 my husband and I decided to sell up and travel the country (the whole grey nomad) early. We worked our way around for 10 years working when we had to and then enjoying life till we ran out of money (and then worked some more). This life suited us I could work for a couple of months, when the pain got too much we’d move on and relax for a month or two.

The biggest drawback of living this lifestyle, is that I still need to see Dr’s from time to time trying to explain my symptoms and condition was a long drawn out affair as my condition has many associated conditions that go with it. After several years of doing this I met someone who told me about Bearable, I thought it was worth a try.

It’s amazing how much easier it is to talk to doctors when you have a graph and background at your fingertips. But not only did it help them but it has helped ME no end, just working out what helps. With the help of bearable (and my naturopath) I was able to stay stable for 10 years, at least till the onset of Lockdown.

Bearable is a big part of my daily morning ritual accompanying my coffee and when my family ask “how are you today mum?” I hand them my tablet with my 28 to 58 symptoms and they say “I never new you have all that wrong with you”.

I would recommend Bearable to other people that anyone who has Fibromyalgia or any other long term/chronic condition especially if they have to interact with the health professionals

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.

Rae | Mental Health & ADHD

Rae's Bearable user story
Rae's Bearable user story

How Rae manages Mental Health & ADHD with Bearable.

I started using Bearable because my mental health was tanking as a uni student during COVID lockdowns. I wanted more insight into what I could do to feel better. I also wanted a record of my symptoms, as when I speak to health professionals I tend to downplay my struggles if I don’t have ‘hard evidence’ to back things up!

Bearable helps me to communicate better with my treatment team (GP, psychologist, and occasional psychiatrist). See how factors like my menstrual cycle, participation in hobbies, and alcohol consumption affect my mood, energy and sleep.

My ultimate goal is to use Bearable to reach a place with my mental health where I’m able to work enough to support myself and still enjoy life.

I would recommend Bearable to other people that are neurodivergent (I have ADHD).

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.

Laura | Long Covid

Laura's Bearable User Story
Laura's Bearable User Story

How Laura uses Bearable to manage Long Covid.

I started using Bearable because I have had long covid for two years now. In the beginning it was extremely misunderstood and I kept getting worse. After a full year of doing all the wrong things I finally started pacing and tracking symptoms. Tracking everything has really helped me understand what my triggers are and what causes a symptom flare.  I tried a couple of other apps as well but Bearable was the best by far. I wish I found it sooner!

Bearable helps me to understand and track my symptoms. It helps me track my highs and my lows. It gives me insight into what triggers symptoms. It is an invaluable health tool.

My ultimate goal is to use Bearable to manage my long covid and overall health in a way that allows me to live a happy and productive life.

I would recommend Bearable to other people that are looking to better understand their overall health and to manage chronic illness.

Note. The names and images used in this article have been fabricated to protect the privacy and identity of our users.