Robyn's Bearable User Story


I started using Bearable because someone told me about it several years ago, so I thought I’d give it a try.

Dr’s had told me back in 2005 to “go away” because  “there’s nothing I can do for you (as I’m allergic to most pain medication) as there’s been very little research done on your condition you’ll end up in a wheelchair one day”.

After spending 2 years working with a very good naturopath a combination of herbal concoctions and gentle exercise helped improve my quality of life.

In 2010 my husband and I decided to sell up and travel the country (the whole grey nomad) early. We worked our way around for 10 years working when we had to and then enjoying life till we ran out of money (and then worked some more). This life suited us I could work for a couple of months, when the pain got too much we’d move on and relax for a month or two.

The biggest drawback of living this lifestyle, is that I still need to see Dr’s from time to time trying to explain my symptoms and condition was a long drawn out affair as my condition has many associated conditions that go with it. After several years of doing this I met someone who told me about Bearable, I thought it was worth a try.

It’s amazing how much easier it is to talk to doctors when you have a graph and background at your fingertips. But not only did it help them but it has helped ME no end, just working out what helps. With the help of bearable (and my naturopath) I was able to stay stable for 10 years, at least till the onset of Lockdown.

Bearable is a big part of my daily morning ritual accompanying my coffee and when my family ask “how are you today mum?” I hand them my tablet with my 28 to 58 symptoms and they say “I never new you have all that wrong with you”.

I would recommend Bearable to other people that anyone who has Fibromyalgia or any other long term/chronic condition especially if they have to interact with the health professionals

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