Depression tracker app mock up

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Depression tracker & Mental health app.

Discover what improves & worsens your Depression. Manage symptoms and collect data for medical appointments and therapy sessions.

Depression tracker app mock up
5 star review
5 star review

5,000+ Five Star Reviews

"This app is a life changer! You can track everything and the app shows you the correlations. I use this app for tracking symptoms and factors for my depression to see, which correlate with my disease and my side effects from my medication. I wish I would have discovered this app earlier. I found nothing comparable." - R
“Bearable has literally been a life changer! I am diagnosed with multiple mental health disorders (GAD with panic attacks, ADHD, insomnia, social anxiety, bipolar disorder and depression to name a few 🥴). I love that I'm able to see exactly the impact my daily life has on my mood and sleep patterns. I have been able to adjust my life to better serve my mental health.” - Kayla
“Before using Bearable I felt like I was being tossed in the waves of my anxiety and depression! I was unsure if I was improving or regressing, and I didn't know what factors were causing the changes in my mood and energy levels. I just felt lost. Bearable helps me stay focused on my daily goals while also giving me the big picture. Bearable has helped me chart a course for smooth sailing.” - Camille
“I love this app! I use it to keep track of my medication but also really helps me track my depression and anxiety. It shows me my progress and makes me really happy. I'm always recommending it to others and I just shared it with my therapist so she can pass it on as well. Super helpful!! Thank you 💙💙” - Chel
“I was diagnosed with chronic depression a few months ago. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of how I'm feeling and how often I feel a certain way. This app helps me keep track of so much as well as reminds me to be grateful for the little things. I highly recommend it if you are dealing with depression and anxiety!” - Jem
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Feel more in control of your Depression

Track Depression Triggers and Treatments

Discover your Depression triggers

Identify the triggers that correlate with changes in the severity of your symptoms. Use this knowledge to… 

    • Make helpful lifestyle changes
    • Avoid the things that make symptoms worse
    • Manage your Depression symptoms with data
    • Create a personal to do list of helpful habits

Gain insights into your Depression

Track changes in the severity of each of your depression symptoms – in as much or as little detail as you’d like. 

    • Identify patterns and correlations
    • Spot early warning signs and side effects
    • Understand symptom frequency & duration 
    • Get perspective and feel more in control
Track Depression Symptoms
Prep for therapy sessions

Prep for your next therapy session

Use Bearable’s symptom reports to help your answer questions about…

    • How your Depression responds to treatments
    • Dates and times for changes in symptoms
    • Frequency and severity of your symptoms
    • Changes in your thoughts and feelings
    • The impact of lifestyle changes

Sync with AppleHealth GoogleFit & Fitbit

Identify patterns between Depression symptoms and changes in: Sleep, HRV, Steps, Heart Rate, Resting Heart Rate, Weight, Blood Pressure, and more.

Sync with Apple Health, Google Fit, and Fitbit

If you experience it, you can track it.

Track Depression triggers such as stressful events (bereavement, a relationship breakdown, financial difficulties, or traumatic experiences), low self-esteem, hormonal and physical changes, pregnancy, menopause, loneliness, alcohol, recreational drug use, chronic pain, processed foods, refined sugar, inflammatory foods, poor sleep and more.

You can also create unlimited ‘custom triggers’ and track anything you think could be causing flare ups or triggering changes in symptom severity.

Track your Depression symptoms in as much or as little detail as you’d like. Our symptom tracking tools allow you to create unlimited custom symptoms, so that you can track changes in symptom severity and frequency.

Examples of Depression symptoms that you can track include: Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities you’d typically enjoy such as sex, hobbies, and sports, insomnia and excessive sleeping, exhaustion, lack of energy, fatigue, and tiredness, reduced appetite and weight loss, irritability, restlessness, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt, brain fog, intrusive thoughts, apathy, and more.

There is no limit to what you can track in Bearable, and the app can be personalised to your specific Depression symptoms.

Track any of your Depression medications, set up medication reminders to help you adhere to your meds schedule, and spot patterns between medications and changes in symptom severity and side-effects.

Examples of common medications for Depression that can be tracked in the Bearable app include: Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), Sertraline (Zoloft), Citalopram (Celexa), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Duloxetine (Cymbalta, Drizalma Sprinkle), Venlafaxine (Effexor XR), Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), Levomilnacipran (Fetzima), Trazodone, Mirtazapine (Remeron), Vortioxetine (Trintellix), Vilazodone (Viibryd), Bupropion (Forfivo XL, Wellbutrin), nortriptyline (Pamelor), Amitriptyline, Doxepin, Desipramine (Norpramin), Tranylcypromine (Parnate), Phenelzine (Nardil), Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Aripiprazole (Abilify), Quetiapine (Seroquel), and Lithium (Lithobid).

Track any of your Depression treatments and discover how they correlate with changes in your symptom severity levels.

Examples of treatments for Depression that can be tracked in Bearable include: Psychotherapy (talk therapy), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acupuncture, Massage, Hypnosis, Biofeedback, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS).

Whatever treatment program you’re on, you can track it in Bearable. 

Track common self-management habits for Depression, such as:
reduced alcohol consumption, reduced caffeine intake, journaling, CBT, ACT, meditation, mindfulness, breath-work, yoga, salt-intake, gluten free diet, dairy free diet, time spent in nature, cold therapy, heat therapy,  reduced screen time, reducing time on social media, magnesium supplements, vitamin B6 & B12, ashwagandha, vitamin D, omega 3-6-9, glucosamine and chondroitin, improved sleep hygiene, and improved hydration.

With Bearable, you can create and track unlimited custom self-care and self-management tactics and view how they correlate with changes in your symptom severity.

💡 You can also create and track unlimited custom triggers, symptoms, medications, treatments, and self-management tactics.

Information for this section was sourced from The Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Mind Org and the National Health Service (NHS).

Bearable Depression Tracker User Story

"Bearable led me to a diagnosis that changed my life."

Bria, Bearable member

“I downloaded Bearable in 2021 because I knew I was struggling with mental health issues but I was unable to keep track of how I was feeling. If I booked an appointment with a professional when I was feeling low, by the time the appointment came (whether it was the next week or even only hours later) I was unable to recall the symptoms I was experiencing.

I had no idea my mood shifted so rapidly, and that I was experiencing so much memory loss. Once I was logging this (thanks to the regular bearable prompts) I was shocked. I took it to my psychiatrist and shortly after received a BPD, PTSD and surprisingly an ADHD diagnosis!

Since getting a diagnosis I’ve been able to access resources that give me real help that I didn’t have before. I never could have gotten a diagnosis without Bearable helping me log my symptoms, because I would always present fine in front of my medical team and was unable to recall or articulate what was happening for me.”

Recommended by

Recommended by WebMD
very well

Created by people with physical and mental health conditions.

James, founder & CEO

Having suffered with a chronic illness since 2018, I know all too well the frustration of coming out of an appointment with my doctor or therapist knowing that I hadn’t been able to give them a complete picture of my migraine symptoms.

Often these interactions lead to no diagnosis, a very tentative diagnosis, or at worst, a misdiagnosis. From personal experience, this sets you off a wild goose chase. You go from consultant to consultant in search of answers and spend hours on Dr. Google.

In the end, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I started tracking my mood, symptoms and other daily factors, in the hope that it would help me to understand, and feel more in control of, my health. This is how the idea for the Bearable app was born. 

Since 2020, Bearable has helped me to better understand and manage my symptoms as well has help me to improve how I communicate with my medical team.

Today, my mission is to give all patients the power to take control of their health and feel like themselves again.

Bearable user portrait
Free Depression Tracker Worksheet

Free Depression tracker worksheet

Downloadable + printable PDF

Because our mission is to help people, we try to create as many free resources as possible. 

Our free Depression tracker worksheet helps you to track…

    1. The frequency of your symptoms
    2. Changes in the severity of your Depression
    3. Your treatments and self-management habits
    4. The effects and side-effects of your treatments

Note. When you tap the Download button you’ll be taken to Google Drive where you can tap the ‘Open with’ or Download icon (⬇) to save the symptom tracker worksheets to your device.


Yes, Bearable is a freemium app and our subscription is optional.

With Bearable, you can track unlimited symptoms, treatments, medications, and triggers for free. You can also identify changes in your depression symptoms using weekly reports, timelines, calendars, and charts – all included in the free version of the Bearable app.

Bearable was designed so that people whose disposable income is affected by their depression can still track and manage their health using the app for free. In fact, we’ve recently launched a sponsorship program that gifts free subscriptions to members of the Bearable community every month.

When you first sign-in to Bearable, you’ll be asked to pick the factors that you feel are most effecting your depression symptoms. Then, over the course of the following week – and along with your symptom severity – you’ll track the days when these factors occur.

Once you’ve collected approximately 7 days of symptoms and factor data, we’ll show you correlations between your factors and changes in symptom severity.

Then, once you’ve collected more data – we recommend at least 30 days – you’ll be able to determine which factors might be negatively impacting your depression symptoms. At this point, most Bearable users then use this data to:

    1. Speak with a Doctor about any new triggers they’ve identified.
    2. Begin making lifestyle changes to avoid newly identified triggers.

It’s also possible to create more granular, custom factors and these can help you to get a more detailed understanding of your triggers. For example, rather than tracking ‘Socialised’ you might begin to track ‘Chad’, ‘Karen’, and ‘Mom’.

Ultimately, Bearable gives you the tools to collect data about your triggers, so that you can better understand and manage your symptoms over time.

Many members of the Bearable community have told us that their main aim is to simply track symptoms over time. The main reasons for this are:

    1. It makes it easier spot early warning signs for symptom flare ups.
    2. It helps to give them perspective on the frequency and severity of their symptoms.
    3. The act of logging symptoms gives them a sense of control.
    4. It helps them to stay accountable for managing their symptoms.
    5. It helps them to identify possible triggers and effective treatments

Yes, one of the primary reasons we created Bearable was to make communication with your Doctor, Therapist, and Medical team easier.

Whilst it’s possible to export all of your data in .csv format, we’ve also heard from members of the Bearable community that they:

    1. Use the share button on certain reports to send doctors a specific report e.g. to share correlations from the Effect on Fatigue report.
    2. Screen grab  reports that don’t currently have a share button e.g. to share symptom trends from the Comparison graph or Timeline screen.
    3. Simply use the app during an appointment to answer questions on the spot. For example, by using the Timeline & Calendar screens to quickly lookup symptom frequency and severity for specific dates.

There are a number of different ways to use Bearable and each of them can help you to manage your symptoms in different ways.

    1. By helping you to identify triggers, Bearable can help you to make lifestyle choices and changes to avoid or reduce exposure to these triggers.

    2. Bearable can help you to identify early warning signs of a symptom flare up, so that you’re able to adjust your plans before your symptoms become more severe.

    3. Bearable helps you to collect detailed symptom data for you to share with your medical team and this can aid with obtaining a diagnosis or treatment.

    4. By helping you to understand the positive and negative effects of treatments, self-management, and/or medications on your symptoms. Bearable can help you to make better decisions about how you manage your disease or condition.

    5. Bearable’s Reminders, Goals, and Other Factor features can help you to stay accountable for healthy habits, self-management, and medication adherence.

Over 90% of Bearable members report that the app helps them to understand their symptoms better and over 75% report that Bearable helps them to feel more in control of their health.

There are a number of ways in which Bearable protects the privacy and security of our member’s data. These include:

    1. GDPR Compliance. As a British company we’re compliant with EU data protection laws which are more protective of an individuals data rights than HIPAA. This also means that we do not have to comply with requests for data from US law enforcement.

    2. We use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to backup and secure your data. GCP is GDPR and CCPA compliant and is certified under major privacy and security standards including ISO 27001 and SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3.

    3. Your data is encrypted at rest using Google Cloud Platform services. This essentially means that your data is encrypted from your device all the way to the server. In addition to this, Google Cloud also encrypt the infrastructure, platform, and hardware that this data is stored on – so there are multiple layers of encryption protecting your data. These measures are used to protect your data from unauthorised access.

    4. We will never sell your data and this has been our philosophy since day one. Whilst other companies focus on revenue, our primary focus is to help people to understand and manage their health. This is the same reason we don’t show ads in the app and our only revenue stream is an optional subscription. 

    5. We collect as little Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as possible. The only information needed to create a Bearable account is your email address. That means no name, no home address, no credit card information, no biometrics, no birthdate, and nothing else that could be used to personally identify you directly or indirectly. The only instance in which phone number data may be collected is if you choose to create an account using your Facebook/Meta account.

    6. Most importantly, you have complete control of your data at all times and from within the app. From the settings screen, you’re able to delete your account and/or data at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns about your data privacy, please contact us at

What we’ve been told by our community of thousands of people with multiple chronic illnesses and hard-to-diagnose-conditions, is that Bearable is better than other chronic illness symptom tracker apps because:

    1. The app is made by people with chronic conditions for people with chronic conditions. Bearable started as an idea on Reddit – by our founder and CEO who lives with chronic migraines – and was shaped by the feedback of chronic illness communities such as r/chronicillness, r/fibromyalgia, r/endo, r/migraine, r/longcovid, r/anxiety, r/bipolar, r/bpd, r/ptsd and many more. Bearable is still recommended by these communities today and we continue to work with them for feedback on features and updates to the app.

    2. Bearable is more customisable than other chronic illness symptom tracker apps. Our approach has always been to let people dictate what and how they track their health and the factors impacting their health. Rather than taking a prescriptive approach, Bearable let’s you track and manage your health however you’d like.

    3. Bearable has a simple interface that makes tracking symptoms, treatments, and medication very quick, easy, and rewarding. Everything appears on a single screen that can be customised as much or as little as you’d like.

    4. Most of the features can be used for free and we don’t show ads or sell any data. If you read reviews of the Bearable App, you’ll notice that people often mention how much they were able to achieve for free. Our mission has always been and will always be to help as many people with chronic illnesses as possible and that’s why we do everything we can to protect user data and offer tools for free (we even offer free subscriptions through the Bearable Heroes program).

    5. Bearable is backed by scientific review, recommended by Doctors and Therapists including; Psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Levinson, GP Dr Claire Ashley, and also recommended by The US Pain Foundation, and a number of leading health publications including SELF Magazine, Healthline, and WebMD.

You can read more about how Bearable compares to other leading Symptom and Mood trackers (like Careclinic and Daylio) and reviews of the app from people with BPD, ADHD, and Bipolar Disorder on our blog and user stories pages.

Your Data Privacy

Just as important to us as it is to you

We'll never sell data

Unlike other companies, our main motivation will always be to help people. This is why we don’t sell your data, show in-app ads, and request as little PII data as possible.

Secure & Encrypted

Your data is encrypted and cannot be read by anyone but yourself.  You have full control of your data and can export and/or delete everything from within the app at any time.

GDPR Compliant

As a British company, we comply with EU/European data protection and privacy laws. This also means we’re not required to comply with data requests from US law enforcement.

About Bearable, one of the leading Depression Tracker Apps

Bearable is the number one symptom tracking app in the USA and helps thousands of people to feel more in control of the symptoms of their chronic mental health and physical health conditions each year. Bearable is recommended by the Healthline, The US Pain Foundation, WebMD, Forbes, Vox, SELF Magazine, VerywellMind, PsychCentral, and Doctors and Therapists including; Psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Levinson, GP Dr Claire Ashley. Over 900,000 Bearable members have used the app to identify triggers, track changes in Depression severity, and share Depression symptom data with doctors and therapists to aid with diagnosis and treatment. It’s not just a free depression tracker app – it’s also the best symptom tracker for anyone hoping to feel more in control of every aspect of their physical and mental health.