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How to use Bearable to monitor your symptoms over time.

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Some members of the Bearable community, especially those that have been successfully managing their health for at least a few years, simply want to monitor their symptoms over longer periods of time. This can help them to see gradual changes in severity, the onset of new symptoms, and also the impact of new treatments and medications.

✅  What you should track.

Though we often recommend that you only track priority symptoms, for long-term tracking we suggest that you track all of the possible symptoms for each of your health conditions. This can help with logging new or infrequent symptoms.

    1. Use the Add/Edit button in the navigation menu in the top right corner of the symptoms section on your homepage to create new – or add existing – symptom groups and symptoms.

    2. Use the Add/Edit button in the navigation menu in the top right corner of the Factors section on your homepage to create new – or add existing – treatments that you’re using to manage your health condition(s).

    3. Use the Add/Edit button in the navigation menu in the top right corner of the Medication section on your homepage to add your medications (e.g. 400mg of Ibuprofen). Start by adding the name (e.g. Ibuprofen), then the measurement (e.g. mg) and then the typical amount of this measurement that’s present in a normal dose of your medication (e.g. 400).

Now you can begin to track each of these things as they occur daily, and over time you’ll be able to look back over the data you’ve collected on the insights page.

💡  How to use the data you’ve collected.

    1. To view how the severity of your symptoms changes over long periods of time, visit the Insights page, scroll down to the prevalence section, and tap on one of your symptoms to be taken to an advanced symptom report.

    2. Using the floating menu at the bottom of the page, select the 30, 60, 90, or 365-day view to adjust the report to show you changes in symptom severity and average severity over this period of time.

    3. Scroll down to the Effect on section to view how new treatments or changes in medication correlate with changes in severity for this symptom.

    4. At the bottom of the Insights page, use the buttons in the calendar view section to view your symptoms and their severity plotted on a calendar and year in pixels.

    5. If you’re collecting a large dataset, you might also be interested in exporting your data to analyse with a 3rd party service. To export a .csv file, visit your profile page, scroll down to data + security, click my data, and then export.

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