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How to use Bearable to manage your medication.

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Many members of the Bearable community take at least one medication to help them to manage their health. Bearable helps with adherence by allowing you to create reminders for each of your medications. Bearable can also help you to monitor the impact of a change in medication on your symptoms as well as any side effects associated with your medication.

✅  What you should track.

    1. In the Meds/Supplements section on your home screen, you can use the add/edit button (in the menu in the top right corner) to set up your medications. Using 400mg of Ibuprofen as an example, use the text bar at the top of the add/edit screen to type in the name of your medication (e.g. Ibuprofen), then enter the measurement of your medication (e.g. mg) and the strength of a normal dose of your medication (e.g. 400).

    2. This medication will now appear in the meds/supplements section of your app and you can repeat this process for each of your medications.

    3. You’ll now also be able to log this medication by tapping the pill icon under the medication name. Each time you log a dose you’ve taken, you can adjust the time, dose, and number of doses.
    4. To set reminders for each medication, tap the bell icon on the right-hand side of the medication for each one. You can add multiple reminders and schedule them for different days of the week. However, if you often take all your medications at one time of day, you can use the general reminders section on your profile page to set up a single set of reminders for all of your meds.

    5. If you’d also like to track the symptoms that your medications are meant to help you with, you can use the add/edit button in the menu in the top right corner of the symptom section to create – or add existing – symptom groups and symptoms.

    6. If you’d like to track the side effects of your medication(s), use the add/edit button in the menu in the top right corner of the symptom section to create a new symptom group named ‘side effects’ and add each of the possible side effects as a symptom to this group.

💡 How to use the data you collect.

Whilst it is possible to view correlations between your medication and health metrics, because they’re correlative and not causal we recommend not making any decisions about your medication using Effect On reports in Bearable.

Instead, we suggest that you:

      • Visit the insights page, rotate your phone 90 degrees, and use the comparison graph to highlight (or plot) medication, symptoms, and side effects to obtain a more nuanced view of how your medication might be related to changes in your health.

      • Look for trends using the view calendar button at the top of your advanced medication reports to highlight the days on which you did (and didn’t) take each of your medications and use this data to look for patterns in adherence. You can also scroll through your symptoms using the menu at the top of the calendar to highlight symptom severity scores and look for changes in your health. The calendar view can also be accessed via the calendar view section at the bottom of your insights page.

The insights provided in the Bearable app are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatments. We strongly recommend that you do not make any decisions about your medication without speaking to a health professional first. 

      • Share the information from your advanced medication reports with a medical professional who can analyse the results with you and help you to make informed decisions about your health. 

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