How Can We Help?

Contact Bearable for support.

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🤓 Visit our FAQ.

Before you get in touch, check out our support blog to see if there’s already an answer to your question. You can find tips on what to track and solutions to issues like restoring your subscription or changing units of measurement.

✉️ Contact the Bearable support team.

You can contact a member of our team directly by emailing Eoghan, our lovely colleague usually answers in under 24 hours. You can contact support with any questions that you have about Bearable, including questions about what to track, bugs, crashes, your data, and anything else that you’d like some help to understand.

📮 Post a question to our Reddit community.

If you’d like to hear the opinions and advice of other Bearable users, one of your options is to share a post on our subreddit, r/BearableApp. Other Bearable users are great at helping you to understand what to track, how to interpret your results, and to get feedback on your new feature ideas. 

💬 Chat with Bearable users on Discord.

If you’re not a Reddit user, or you’d rather have an chat with another anonymous Bearable user in real-time, then our Discord server might be the best option for you. Our Discord community is great at providing support, advice, and daily check-ins. There are also a number of channels for chatting about different topics beyond health conditions and Bearable.

💡Share your ideas on our roadmap.

One of the things that we love most about Bearable users is that they often have loads of great ideas. The best way to share them is on our public roadmap. This is a dedicated space for users to share their new feature requests and to comment and vote on one another’s ideas. The Bearable product team uses this as a guide when deciding upon future updates to the app.

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