Thank you, Heroes

Messages from the community to our Bearable Heroes

Thank you, Heroes

Messages from the community to our Bearable Heroes

Thank you, Heroes

Messages from the community to our Bearable Heroes

This means everything to me I truly love that this program exists. Thanks kind stranger!”

“Thank you! This is helping me track my health concerns and build a regimen to feel better about my daily life.”

It’s been hard to track my symptoms of chronic pain without a diagnosis. Thank you so much for making it that much easier!”

To my sponsor, I would like to say thank you because I am 48 years old and going back to get a master’s in social work, and my daughter is in her first year of college. My husband and I both work for our church, and things have recently become financially questionable. Life is throwing us lots of lemons, and we are trying to make lemonade, but it is getting harder. I am a person of faith, so I know everything will work out, but it is still hard. This sponsorship means the world to me, and I will pay it forward as soon as I can.”

“I want to thank you for your sponsorship because I have a chronic disease that I’m trying to find all of the pieces to, and this app will help me track my symptoms to more effectively show my doctors what is going on, when, how and why. This could be life changing if we can get some answers.”

Thank you, kind soul. I am struggling with Major Depressive Disorder and currently on Fluoxetine therapy with my psychiatrist. I cannot use health insurance. Bearable has been helping me a lot for the past week to get mindful with my body and build that connection with my physique. I hope I can continue using Bearable. May God bless your beautiful soul always.”

Hi Hero! Thank you so much for sponsoring me. I’ve recently gone back to work after being off sick for a year and I’ve just discovered bearable and it’s making tracking my symptoms so much easier. When I get my first pay check I’ll definitely be sponsoring someone :)”

“I have been suffering for 25 years and hope this will help me track everything to find relief. Thank you for helping me be a better me!”

Thank you for sponsoring me, I’m unemployed at the moment and fatigued most days, so I hope Bearable will help me track patterns that might be influencing my energy levels”

Thanks for the help! I’ve been struggling for years and this really helps.”

“Thank you! Community keeps us safe and builds us up and I’m grateful to be a part of yours :)”

What a wonderful thing to do, to give to others. I truly appreciate your selflessness.”

Thank you so SO much! Using this app has already allowed me and my physicians to better track and treat multiple chronic conditions. Being able to access the premium content would take it that much further.”

“I need a way to track my chronic conditions but everything costs. Thank you so much if you can help others.”

Thank you so much. I am keeping track of my symptoms to help figure out what’s wrong. 🙏”

Hello! I am a teenager with an autoimmune disorder. My latest blood work came back 8x higher then normal levels. However, when I try new lifestyle changes to fix my symptoms, I can never tell what is working and what is not. This is where I use Bearable. I am so greatful for the chance to see data of how each factor of my life effects each symptom that I have. To me this means I can live a normal life without having to explain to someone why I can’t do something due to my symptoms. To me it means working without passing out and getting out of bed without being nauseous. Thank you!”

“I’ve had a very hard time keeping up with all my information and what I need or don’t need and how I am feeling and if I was able to eat that day etc. Trying out the application after Dr recommended seems to help me keep track more of what I do day to day. With my memory a good thing to have. Not sure what to say other than I would appreciate the chance to utilize the app more. So thank you for considering me.”

Thank you so much for being a sponsor! Even tho I’m only 23 I have fibromyalgia and a few other medical issues that affect me every day and it can be hard to remember what’s happened from day to day, the more in detail I can document my pain/symptoms/routines etc the easier it will be to learn what w does and does not work for me with symptom management. So thank you again, this support means so much to me 💕”

Thank you. I struggle with multiple chronic illnesses, some diagnosed and some in the process of being diagnosed, and this app is super helpful in my health journey. Being able to use the premium features will help me in so many ways, and with my financial struggles right now you making this possible is a huge blessing— thank you!”

“I have been dealing with health issues that I’ve noticed are getting worse over the last two years. I have a lot of doctors appointments and nothing been found but I also struggle to remeber everything going on. I’m so nauseous all the time it affects my day to day life and having all the features on this app would be amazing to help me figure out what’s going on with my body. I would greatly appreciate being able to use the apps full function, I just can’t afford it”

I live on SSDI and can’t afford life. I’m declaring bankruptcy due to tax debt resulting from $100k in law school loans being forgiven due to my disability. Bearable is helping me track my symptoms and improve my mental health. Premium would be better, but I just can’t afford it.”

I’ve been struggling a lot with my health and this will help greatly! being able to figure out how to feel better is going to let me live again”

“Thank you so much. This will help me get on path to managing the symptoms of my new disability.”

The gift of health is always the most precious! Thank you for contributing to mine the good energy will amplify everywhere 🥰”

As an Autistic woman with ADHD, having a tool to track data across the board about myself, is so fundamentally important. With having a chaotic brain, being able to better make sense of why I’m feeling a certain way, through patterns, helps me to navigate things so much better. Thank you for helping people like myself who aren’t in a financial space to make our days a little better. It means a lot.”

“Thank you so much. This app has been helping me a lot with handling my symptoms and figuring out what triggers bad days and finding ways to avoid them. My financial situation is very unstable, due to multiple factors, and it means a lot to know that there are people out there who care enough about other to help them with things like this. I hope you have a great month and know that you truly helped someone!”

Honestly navigating my health and worsening symptoms while trying to maintain accurate records for multiple specialists in a way that still feels personal feels like a huge ask but somehow it’s all delivered and more. I can’t wait to learn more about the app and have it genuinely enrich my life.”

Just a huge thank you. I’ve been dealing with depression for several years, and it means that f**king world that there are people out there doing good for others like you are.”

“Thank you! This is helping me track my health concerns and build a regimen to feel better about my daily life.”

thank you soooo much for your generosity!! you’ve helped me take a major step in managing my health! I hope to pay it forward as soon as I can. thanks!! :)”

Thank you so much for providing me this opportunity! Bearable has been so helpful in tracking my chronic illness, and while I’ve really wanted to upgrade to premium, I simply don’t have the means to do so. People like you give me hope in humanity!”

“Honestly. I just want to feel less sick. I’m willing to try anything at this point.. but I also just started my job and things are pretty rough. So I’m super grateful. I only started working again recently. It’s taken a lot to get to this point. I want to keep going. I want to be able to tell my doctor the exact sort of pain or sick I’m in. So maybe.. just maybe. I can get treated.”

I would really appreciate the help from this app with my bipolar disorder I feel like this app could really help me thank you so much I appreciate any help I can get thanks so much I just want to be able to show up for my wife and kids thanks”

This genuinely means a lot to me. I can’t afford therapy at the moment because Im going through really tough financial problems. This is going to help me immensely at keeping myself healthy”

“Thank you so so much for providing me help to fight my depression!”

“Thank you so much for sponsoring me. I really like using bearable to track my daily conditions so it really means a lot to me. You are a hero!”

Thank you so much. I have autism and struggle so much with other health things it’s overwhelming. I’d love to continue using this service to see trends in my health.”

“It’s been hard to track my symptoms of chronic pain without a diagnosis. Thank you so much for making it that much easier!”

I thank you for this sponsorship. I have been working on my mental health for over 10 years. Using this I feel like I can figure out triggers for my illnesses. Thank you again for this opportunity.”

“I can’t even begin to explain how much your generosity means to me. Life can feel overwhelming at times, and affording something like Bearable Premium was out of reach. Your kindness has given me a tool that will help me take control of my health in ways I couldn’t have imagined before. It’s more than just an app, it’s hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeing someone like me and for giving so selflessly. You’ve made a real impact in my life.”

“I’ve been using Bearable for a while now but have significantly decreased my time in using it because all the information I want is only for the premium users, which I can’t afford. I was able to try it out once and loved it. It would mean so much to me to have that access again as I battle daily with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. Having the ability to record everything helps me in ways I can’t even explain but also let’s me see what’s causing my mood to switch so I can be one step ahead of any negative actions or thoughts.”

Thank you so much for helping out. I have health issues that have caused me to have a delay in my studies, which also put me further into student debt. I have been using Bearable ever since the pandemic, and it’s been a great help in figuring out and managing my symptoms. I haven’t been able to afford the premium version, but the features sound very helpful. Thank you for allowing me to access them. Wishing you all the best!”

Thank you so much for your help. Bearable is will help me as I continue to meet with my Drs to figure out what us going on.”

“Thank you for helping me take better care of myself. It means a lot to be able to track symptoms and see where I’m more likely to have a flare up and what might have triggered it. Thank you for your help.”

Thank you so very much I struggle with anxiety and depression, plus ADHD, and chronic pain & fatigue and being able to better track and understand my symptoms and triggers is amazing”

Thanks dude!!! Your kindness will really help someone out, if not me, then someone else, and that makes me happy and grateful by itself 😊”

“Being on disability and paying bills there’s not a lot of extra money. It would mean the world to be able to get the full use of this app to help track my health and symptoms not only for me but my providers.”

Thank you very much! You gave me the opportunity to become better!”

I’ve been struggling with my health for some time now and started a new medication. Tracking the effects and side effects helps me see what’s working and what isn’t and helps me to feel more in control of my life again!”

“Thank you so much for sponsoring me 🫶🏼, as a person with a personality disorder this app is helping me a lot to track down a lot of things about me, but I can’t afford Premium and your gift means so much to me. I’ll do my best to keep working on myself and my mental health.”

Tracking keeps me accountable and makes me look after myself. You’re helping me in that. I really appreciate it 🙏 I hope to pay it forward in the future.”

Living with chronic health issues has been hard and the bearable app has made it easier for me. Thanks to you I can acess quality of life services and keep my health in check, for that I’ll be forever grateful.”

“Thank you so much, this is so incredibly helpful to me”

Thank you for sponsoring me. It let’s me access specific features that aren’t avaliable on the free version. These tool let me share better data with my doctor. I hope in the future I’ll be in a position to pass it forward and help someone out else.”

Thank you! This app helps me manage my health symptoms and is very informative for my doctors. This means so much to me. Thank you so much!!!”

“I don’t know who you are but you are an amazing wonderful person ❤️ I have been struggling for years and really appreciate the help”

Thank you so much. Your generosity is helping me, a total stagger, keep better track of their symptoms. I’ve been trying for over two years to show doctor after doctor that what I’m experiencing is real. And I’m hoping my tracking all my pain and symptoms, I’ll have better evidence to finally get a proper diagnosis.”

I have been in & out of the hospital battling Lyme Disease. Unable to work, bedridden & housebound for 2.5 years and still counting. Before Lyme I was in grad school & working full time, fun with friends, a normal great life, but I’ve lost everything. With no income & tons of medical debt I appreciate you sponsoring me. It truly means so much & makes me feel so cared for & supported. I can’t wait to reach remission one day & return the help to the next person in need❤️ thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️”

“This will help so many people. I know I’m just one of them, but it would be an amazing gift to see these health insights!”

“Thank you for helping me manage my mental health. Your help lets me continue to live”

I’m dealing with several health issues right now and medical bills are piling up. Bearable is such a valuable tool that is helping me track symptoms and stay grounded. Thanks so much for supporting me so that I can get the right treatment!”

“I sincerely appreciate the gift you were willing to give a random stranger on the internet. As the random stranger, it means the world to me.

I’m a young lady who has dealt with chronic illness since I was young, which has progressed over time. It’s impacted a large portion of my life, but I try my best to keep pushing forward and make the world a better place. One person at a time, we can make this place beautiful and share in the gift that is humanity.

You, my friend, have done just that for me! With this app I’m able to provide my doctors with more information and how things affect me. I’m hopeful I’ll be able to walk my puppies and go on adventures again with everything they are learning about my health!

Because of you I have hope, hope for my future and hope for humanity. Life is beautiful and spreading love makes it easier, even if some days are hard, together we are strong.

Thank you, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, you’ve touched my life in a very direct way even if we’re worlds apart. Small things have immense impact and can seem like the biggest things in the world to people that need it most.

I appreciate you <3 Please be proud of yourself for being someone this world needs and I hope you can receive such kindness each day. You are amazing and lovely, whether it’s a good or bad day, your light will continue to shine in at least one person’s heart.

Thank you again”

I want to say thank you for your kindness, compassion, and generosity. I have worked hard to overcome many things in my life, however, I still struggle with day-to-day things. I am in my 40s and was just recently diagnosed with ADHD. This helps me know more about myself and understand more about why I struggle with the things that I do, but I don’t know how to help myself. I struggle to start off small and gain ground from there. I feel that this app might be able to finally help me accomplish the basic self-care in my life that I need again thank you so much for your generosity.”

“This would.change my life I have a brain injury so thank you so much for helping me it really means everything”

“Thank you so much. I struggle with severe mental health issues and narcolepsy so seeing any sort of correlations of factors that could improve my quality of life is life changing.”

“Thank you so much! This app has been life changing for me and my many chronic illnesses. So appreciate it!”

Thank you for helping track all of my symptoms. I needed help understanding which symptoms and moods were affecting each other for some chronic conditions so I could better understand my triggers.”

I struggle with a mood disorder and am trying to find a better way to deal with it. It’s hard to help it when idk what’s causing it, so I downloaded this app to try to help. Being able to see my progress and stats from everyday would be very helpful. I really appreciate you”

“Dear Bearable Hero,

Thank you so much for considering me as your choice for sponsoring me with bearable premium, I truly appreciate that you’d set aside your finances to help a stranger in the world with their mental health journey, and i’m even more honoured that I’m the chosen person you’d put your funds towards. I’m a 17 year old that struggles with ADHD/anxiety and depression, however finding tools to help cope and manage this is incredibly hard since there are so many paywalls behind the apps and I don’t have the funds to afford that, however ever since i found bearable it’s been the only app which has a lot to offer and work with for the free subscription which has been incredible for me, especially for tracking my mood! I’m so grateful that you’re helping me even more with my journey by providing me with premium to get even more help through the tools the subscription provides.

I’m forever grateful for your contribution and I wish you so much happiness for kindness you’ve shared not only to me but all the people you’ve helped.

Thank you so much and have a blessed one. ❤️
– Ina!”

Being sponsored means a lot to me. I am the only income in a household of 3. My wife is a full-time student and I am a part-time student. We have a 9 year old son. Both my son and I were diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. This app helps me track possible triggers for myself.”

“Muito obrigado por ajudar minha vida a administrar sintomas de fibromialgia e tdah!Esse aplicativo me ajuda a melhorar minha qualidade de vida.”

Thank you! I’m disabled and currently homeless but being able to track my symptoms and what’s affecting it most is really helpful for me to be able to access the right treatments and know myself better!”


I’m Ana, I’m 26 years old. I’m dealing right now with depression and anxiety. Also, I have some symptoms of insulin resistance, so tracking all my symptoms through the day is really helpful for me. My thoughts are a little messy sometimes and when I’m with my doctors sometimes I forgot how I’ve been feeling or what changes I’ve noticed, maybe will be easier for me just show my results in bearable. 

I want to thank you for your sponsorship, you are an amazing person and a hero for me <3″

Dear Bearable Sponsor,

thank you so much for being willing to share your resources to improve the experience of another. I have been using Bearable for over a year now to track both my physical and mental health, as someone who experiences neurodivergence alongside chronic pain.

Again, thank you for sponsoring my access to this resource.


I salute your gentle heroism in sponsoring me. I stumbled on the app in the Google Play Store around 4 years ago when it was quite new. I have subscribed when I could find the money. It has led to many breakthroughs and new insights regarding my lifelong dysthymia. It’s an essential part of daily routines. The free app is totally functional but the extras in the pro version make it an outstanding experience for all age groups. I’m 60+ and in the “Global South.”

“Thank you so much. I appreciate you taking the time to BEAR a hope for someone else.”

Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to change my lifestyle but feel trapped in doing so with having such limited finances! This will be so incredibly helpful!”

“Thank you, this is very kind! I’m glad you made the decision to sponsor someone else, and very grateful to have gotten selected. I’m hoping I’ll get my chronic symptoms sorted out with this.”

Hi! Thank you so much, with this I can much better keep track of my chronic illnesses. You’re a star <3″

I want to truly Thank you with my whole heart for making this happen. Having ADHD and Autisim really makes it hard to keep tack of things…. And this is life changing. I’m an EMT who currently was forced to “retire” due to being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and right now they are ruling out Leukemia. They are 90% sure I have it. I have an 8 month old little boy I just want to raise to the best of my ability while I can… and because of you, my life just became so much less stressful. You are obviously a wonderful person by making this happen and I cannot stress enough, just how appreciative I am of this wonderful gift and opportunity. Thank you again so much!!!’”

Bearable Premium was a great help at the beginning of a debilitating condition three years ago, then I could no longer afford premium. I lost my job and have spent all my savings while dealing with ongoing health problems. Premium will make it easier to communicate with my multiple specialists for coexisting conditions. Doing it on my own has been insurmountable. Thank you for helping me and the medical team make sense of all the variables and symptoms!”

Thank you so much for this free upgrade, I’ve been struggling with depression-like symptoms lately, and this will help me form a correlation between what I do and how it affects me”

“Thank you so much! This app has been a saving grace being able to track all my symptoms and make my life so much easier. Having premium will only make this app an even bigger life saver!!”

Thank you so much. I have chronic health conditions and tracking my symptoms and meds and everything for my doctors is so hard. Bearable makes it so much easier but I haven’t been able to afford the premium to keep my wellness records. I can’t thank you enough.”

You are amazing! I’m multiply disabled and not able to work, and I’m also in the application process for SSI. My state doesn’t offer temporary disability so I have ZERO income but this app helps me communicate more effectively with my doctor, and the premium version will help me level up my health care! Thank you SO MUCH!!!”

“As someone dealing with a myriad of disabilities, thank you so much for sponsoring me. I’ll be able to better understand my conditions and improve my life with your help”

“Thank you a ton !! <3 unfortunately my health has been going drastically downhills despite the fact I’m barely a young adult and I can’t afford premium as of now”

Being a bearable hero means more to me than you know, you’re help is greatly appreciated.”

Thank you so much for the kindness you have extended to me. I’ve become disabled in the past year at a young age and am no longer able to work while undergoing several surgeries. This app has already started helping my productivity and health and I hope that it will continue to help me heal”

“Thank you for this opportunity. I use it a lot. I still have a lot to face, I have a hard time accepting my chronic illnesses or the pain it comes with. This had been eye opening and really relieving because of the results I sleep and compared. What helps and what doesn’t”

Hi, I would be very happy if someone would give me this, unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to buy it because I can’t work at the moment because of my mental health and I would like to know how I can improve my mental health. And for me, that’s the first step
That would mean the world to me I hope the one who gives me this has luck and blessings in all his deeds and lives :)

Have a wonderful day”

Thank you so much, this means a lot and will help me continue to improve my mental health”

“Thank you so much, you’ve made a big change in my life.”

Thank you. I can never express how much your kindness means to me.”

Thank you!! I’m a college kid who’s trying to get control of my life, time and symptoms. I have some mental health stuff that creates a lot of turmoil in my life that I’d like to be better with becoming aware of and changing.”

“Thank you! This means a lot to me, I use this app everyday to track everything in my life & the subscription is too difficult to keep up. I hope you have a great day and thank you again!”

Thank you! I’m trying to figure out which habits contribute to ADHD and anxiety symptoms and this will be instrumental!”

I appreciate you ❤️”

“Thank you for sponsoring me. I plan to pay it forward. I hope some day I can sponsor someone else too.”

Thank you so much, this means a lot and will help me continue to improve my mental health”

Thank you so much! You probably don’t know how much of a difference this makes for me. Being able to track my symptoms and get better insight in how to reevaluate my lifestyle and gaining back some independence from lifestyle changes or just being able to show a tracked list with symptoms to health care professionals to finally work towards a diagnosis and help with all the physical and mental problems might be the way to finally recover.

Really, thank you!”

“Thank you so much! I rely on Bearable to track my physical health due to health conditions as well as my mental health, it’s very helpful for me!”

Thank you so much! This app has been a saving grace being able to track all my symptoms and make my life so much easier. Having premium will only make this app an even bigger life savor!!”

Thank you for making a positive difference in my life! I’ve struggled with chronic illness all my life, and the frustration of dealing with so many symptoms without knowing if they are related has been overwhelming. Your support in purchasing the Bearable subscription for me means so much. This will make the process of tracking and understanding my symptoms easier and less stressful. Now, I can better see the connection between what I’m doing and how I’m feeling. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. Thank you!”

“Thank you!! I’m diagnosed with fibro, though I believe it’s deeper than that & I’ve been trying to get into symptom tracking. since I’ve started, I’ve realized my symptoms are worse than I make them out to be. I have pretty bad brain fog & forgetfulness, so I unintentionally underestimate my condition to my drs. With this, I’ll be able to present my drs with facts & trends, and hopefully I’ll get a treatment plan. This has affected me my whole life and I just thought feeling bad was a part of life, but not that I’m an adult I’m tired of feeling this way. Again, thank you thank you thank you!!”

Thank you so much. I am autistic and I have alexithymia and very low enteroception, so I struggle to monitor my physical and mental health. Thanks to your generosity I’ll get insight on both and finally start to understand me better. I’ve been struggling a lot with depression and anxiety. Your help matters a lot. Thank you.”

Thank you. I cannot tell you how much this app is already helping me. I have chronic pain and chronic back issues and am bedridden. My life is so chaotic which is causing me mental distress. So far this app has helped me track a lot of issues to help me see what I need to target with my therapist.”

“To the person that has sponsored me, thank you. You are doing a wonderful thing and are helping me greatly. I have diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression so having the premium version of this app helps me set more goals, as more events, and more that effect me daily. Thank you ❤️”

Thank you very much!! I have been newly diagnosed with POTS and am hoping that this helps me with my symptoms <3″

I would like to say a massive thank you to the hero who has sponsored me. Having been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the app allows me to track my symptoms and develop a greater understanding of the condition and how it affects me. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to afford to do this.”

“Thank you! I have a lot of health issues and would love to see if anything is connected. This will help me a lot!”

Thank you so much! I cannot express how helpful this will be to me, as someone struggling with multiple mental and physical health issues!!!”

Thank you so much! I hope you have a future filled with great days.”

“thank you, it will help me understand my emotions and what is related to them.”

Thank you for supporting my mental health!”

After years of struggling with my various mental and physical health issues, I burned out and had to stop working. I’m working with various doctors in a few cities, and being able to track my symptoms with bearable has made that easier. Winning a sponsorship for premium would allow me to even better track and find commonalities of my symptoms, and hopefully reveal some insights.”

“I’ve been using the free version of the app for almost a month, and it’s the only one I’ve been able to stick with. I have struggled for a long time with my mental health and just recently got into therapy despite many issues along the way. This app and generous people like you have allowed me to put my mental health first and to be able to know myself better and get more out of the time I do get to work on myself. This app will really benefit me even just for a little while to use all of the features. Thank you.”

The free version to this app is good but limited in showing the connections between my moods and habits. I am so grateful for your sponsorship. It has truly allowed me to identify areas I need to focus on to improve my overall welbeing. You are a gem.”

“Already Bearable helps me make sense of all the info my body throws at me. Premium helps me to make even more sense of those messages. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much! I just got this app and will be starting my journey to mental and physical recovery after years of being too scared to do anything about it! I have high hopes for this and I’m so excited to get to know this community better!”

Thank you so much!! I have 2 liver diseases and mental health issues. This app really helps me to visualize my heath. I really struggle with understanding my health patterns and this helps so much.”

Thank you so so much!! This will help so much in tracking my chronic illness symptoms and managing healthy habits. This means the world to me!”

“I am newly diagnosed with a chronic illness and Bearable is such a vital tool for keeping track of my symptoms and what can be causing them. This would be such a wonderful gift that would help me heal.”

Hello!👋 I am a full time college student with 2 chronic pain disorders so I want to use this app to better track my symptoms and progress. Your generosity will allow me to do this! Thank you so much!!”

Thank you so much, I have been struggling trying to better myself so I can live longer and be happier. This means a lot so thank you again.”

“This means everything to me. With this app, i can finally get my doctors to believe me and stop gaslighting me on everything i say and do. I have fibromyalgia and many other mental illnesses, and this helps me keep track of my positive and negative days!”

Thank you x I suffer from severe anxiety and depression and being able to track what factors impact my mental health really helps, knowing what I can do and should avoid when I’m really struggling helps me feel more in control, it helps me feel like I have options and that I can do things to improve my situation, I won’t always be struggling x so Thank You, you have improved someone’s wellbeing xxx”

I will be eternally grateful for this opportunity and I will always give it 100% , I am a long time sufferer of mental health and in the last 2 years I lost my mum and in the last 6 months I lost my 2 big cousins who were like brothers and only last week my best friend committed suicide and he literally lived 2 doors down I have literally given up on myself and became a prisoner in my own mind and no self worth/respect/esteem and through being introduced to this app and other similar apps I have realised that I am not alone and I have felt optimistic, positive and have felt like I can change my mindset and actually know how it should feel like to be alive and live in the present moment and then the better I live in the present the better chance my future will be bright”

Thank you so much. I’m making every effort so I can be a better husband, father and worker.”

Thank you it means the world to me”

“I can’t thank you enough for this favor, this is one of the best feelings in the world”

Thank you so much!”

I am so grateful and thankful for your generosity.”

Thank you for helping me stay on track with my physical and mental health goals”

I have recently been diagnosed with autism and a number of physical disabilities and this app has been a massive help in understanding and handling my symptoms, so thank you for making a positive impact on my health both mental and physical by ‘sponsoring’ me”

“I want to thank them for being so kind and supportive of a stranger. This app is VERY helpful for me, it tracks my symptoms which is really important for me because I do have multiple rare conditions (I’m a zebra in medical terms) these conditions so far are Nutcracker syndrome, Pelvic congestion syndrome, an obstruction in small intestine, possible POTS and MS. These conditions have changed my life completely. I cannot work at all because I’m weak. I’m having an auto transplant surgery in August. This could relieve my symptoms.”

Thank you for helping people in need! I hate that it’s necessary, but it’s great to know that there are people out there who walk the extra mile to make life easier (or well more bearable) for others and that you don’t have to suffer alone trough chronic illness.”

My gratitude goes beyond words and straight from my heart to yours. I am using this app to track suspected auto immune disease and chronic migraines. I am using the data to better understand my day to day and use it to advocate for myself within the healthcare system. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Thank you for supporting me! I was diagnosed with aggressive onset multiple sclerosis this year and I became physically disabled overnight. I am recovering, and Bearable makes tracking my progress so easy”

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this sponsorship. I use Bearable to track my symptoms for future use so that I can one day get a diagnosis for my invisible disabilities. With so much already on my shoulders, being able to use Bearable makes my life so much easier with tracking my daily symptoms and this sponsorship will be all that more useful for my diagnosis process. Thank you so much again!”

Thank you, with this I can track my symptoms better and hopefully get closer to a diagnosis 🫶”

I’ve recently made a huge change in life as my two daughters (2 and 4) and I left an emotionally/verbally abusive situations. Since that time 6 months ago I’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness and have been extremely motivated in keeping up with my health for myself and my daughters. This would mean so much to not just me, but my girls deserve a healthy mama. Thank you so much for your kindness and have a blessed day!”

Thank you so much for giving me a fighting chance in my goal of bettering my mental and physical health. As someone who is extreme poverty, without much to give in order to better track all my habits overall, it means so much to be able to do more than I could before. Bless you.”

I really appreciate this! As a new mother of three through guardianship, my health has never been more important to me in the need to take care of three little children.”

Your kindness in pledging sponsorship is been a beacon of hope. Access to Bearable will empower me to take complete control over my physical and mental wellbeing, a journey that began with the difficult decision to leave a job that was taking a toll on my health. The transition has not been easy, but with Bearable, I have found tools and resources to help me rebuild my life. This is more than just a subscription; it’s a lifeline — the missing piece that allows me to take my best efforts and identify the baseline of my wellness. Thank you for being a part of my story :) “

Thank you so much. I’ve been really struggling lately and I’m hoping this app will help turn over a new leaf for me. I’m disabled so money is limited and anything I can get to help make me feel better is amazing. You’re a real one.”

I’ve suffered with chronic pain for 4.5 years with no diagnosis. I’ve seen multiple medical specialists and doctors with no explanation. The frustration is unreal. I hope unbearable with help me better track my symptoms and maybe find some relief along the way.”

My health is getting worse, and as someone with bad brain fog it’s so beneficial to have an app like this. Thank you!”

This means so much, Bearable allows me to track my symptoms with a rare chronic illness and helps me take charge of my health. Thank you!”

Thanks for making this possible! I’ve had severe depression for at least 5 years now as well as hypothyroidism. Keeping track of my mood and behaviour helps me to actually improve my mental wellbeing and Bearable plays a huge role in that. Since I’m still a student, my financial income is pretty low at the moment so I can’t really prioritize premium subscriptions. Therefore, I’m really thankful you”

I think a simple thank you isn’t enough, but I’m not sure what else to say. I was recently diagnosed with ASD and now I’m trying to figure out how to live my life without getting burned out every week and this app has been really helpful. I am unemployed and have no financial support from my family so this really means a lot to me.”

This means the world to me – I’ve been struggling with getting an autoimmune diagnosis, and Bearable helps me track my symptoms to inform my healthcare provider. Thank you so much.”

Thank you so much I have been struggling to manage my symptoms and I’m excited to get an idea of my symptoms and patterns :-)”

This means so much to me, thank you for helping me take care of my health! I’m so incredibly grateful to you. I hope your kindness makes its way back to you”

I’m just starting my health journey of trying to find the cause of my chronic symptoms. Thank you for helping me get one step closer to solving the mystery and healing my body!”

I would like to express my gratitude because of Bearable I can really keep a hands on approach for my all over health and wellbeing “

Thank you SO much. I’ve been learning how to keep an eye on my dysautonomia symptoms and I’m so eager to see the insights that come up so that I can better understand how symptoms relate to other factors. I’m a therapist and being able to track my symptoms means I’ll be able to better take care of myself so I can continue to provide high quality care to my clients. Thank you thank you thank you!!! 💜”

Thank you, I am currently in my last semester of nursing school and working very hard to get through the next few months. This app is a huge help in showing me how different things affect my mood, sleep, etc and has helped me improve my life over the past few years”

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to better understand my symptoms and support my body as best as I can!”

I live with fibromyalgia, arthritis, and HS. I’m trying so hard to find one app to track everything in and bearable seems to be it. Thank you so much.”

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take better care of myself with Bearable. Thank you for helping me access premium advice and tracking which I absolutely could not afford right now. I know my physical and mental health will benefit.

Thank you so much for helping me with my mental health! Your kindness & generosity make a huge difference. The world needs more people like you. :)

Thank you hero! I’ve been having trouble documenting my symptoms in a way that effectively communicates with my medical care providers which has been impacting my access to supports, my ability to work and show up fully as a parent. Your gift will be life changing for my child and I! Thank you!

Thank you so much, this means everything to me. My life was turned upside down with chronic illnesses. One month I was my normal straight A+, never-misses-school, high school athlete and student. The next (as my symptoms got worse over time) I was missing school about 2-3 days a week, my grades were falling to C’s, and I had to quit football (soccer) – which I have played since I was 4 (10 years at the time). My entire life was turned upside down, I didn’t have time or energy for friends, school was on the back burner (which I hated since it is very important to me) and I had to quit activities all together – including soccer. I suffered from a nonstop headache for over 6 months before my neurologist was able to break it, I’ve seen a cardiologist, neurologist, physiatrist, as well as the leading neurologist in my state. I’ve had countless testings done, hundreds of needles shoved into my skin, over 15 visits to the emergency room, hundreds of fainting spells, dozens of migraines, and over 100 days of missed school in the past 2 school years. While my doctors are doing all they can, they need me to track more – and I’ve tried every app I can. I’ve finally found this app, but as a high schooler with 4 different chronic illnesses, it is hard for me to retain money, and my parents are paying off my medical bills. (Thank goodness for insurance! In 2023, they spent over $85,000 on me – that my parents would have had to pay otherwise.) Loving with these illnesses is a daily battle. Getting out of bed and doing anything takes 20 times as much work for me as it does for a normal 16 (almost 17) year old – and my life is filled with fatigue and other symptoms. Anyways, I wanted to give you a bit of background on who you ended up helping out, because it truly does mean the world to me. Thank you so so much for your generosity and kindness!! You really are my lifesaver ❤️!!

Thank you so much! Mental is super important in our family and getting to use this will help me teach my Autistic daughter as well how to control herself.

I’ve been suffering from what I believe to be CPTSD and this app has helped me so much. I just want to say thank you so much for making it possible for me to have access to more features! It literally means so much to me! <3

I have multiple sclerosis and gastroparesis among other things. I have lost so much weight I am a few pounds away from needing a feeding tube. Your help can keep me from that and allow me the freedom to find foods I can enjoy. Thank you

“Hey! So, long story short, my life has been upended hard in this last year. I really don’t have the money to pay for Bearable like I used to, but I really need to keep track of myself nowadays because I am spiraling a lot and I need to see some documented proof that my feelings exist, and figure out what my triggers are, and keep track of events. I stopped because at one point I was doing better, but I am definitely not anymore. I am in desperate need of the statistics, and Bearable helped me a lot in the past.

I know there’s a lot of other people who you could’ve been a hero for. But you’re mine, y’know? And it means the world for me, because it’s all I can get to just have someone else do something nice for me. Selfish, but true. It’s been so long since there’s been no strings attached, no expectations, no needing to do something to pay them back or else they’ll be upset with me.

I actually don’t know if it’s uninteresting or weird to put this here, but last year at Christmas, I was at a local store and I was stressed out to the max. The self check-out I was in didn’t take cash, and I forgot my debit card in my car and I was really about to lose my mind, and now I’m holding up a spot for other people. And a lady decided to pay for my groceries for me. I tried to give her the money back in cash, but she told me no, and said “”Merry Christmas.””

I think about her sometimes. Because I cried over that, wondering how someone could be that nice. And then I cried because that’s something I never thought I would be confused about.

It’s embarrassing, but I wish I had more people like that in my life. Guess what? If I won, and you’re reading this, you’re the second person in my life like that.

That was a really long-winded way to get to this, but:

Thank you. So much. You’re helping me figure it out.”

Thank you so much for being my sponsor. I’ve wrestled with my mental health for a long time and this app has been helpful to me in the past

Thank you so much, you’re helping me navigate my illnesses

Thank you, this gift could be life changing. After a having a car accident and incurring a sever brain. Injury, this will help me know what helps and what doesn’t. It will allow my doctors to make life a tiny bit easier (each tiny bit is actually massive)

Thank you I want to use bearable to track my chronic pain and understand what makes it worse or better, I’ve been trying to get diagnosed for over 3 years but doctors have no idea what’s wrong with me. Thank you for your kindness.

I’m a 20 year old student and I have been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and rheumatism. It mean the world to me to be able to manage my health in the best possible way. I want to finish university and become a physicist. Thank you so much for allowing me get better help. Hope you are alright and I’m sending lots of love to you stranger 🌷❤️

thank you so much! i have no access to therapy, so this is gonna help me a lot ❤️ 

Thank you so much for sponsoring me! I am a broke college student living with ADHD, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and ehlers-danlos syndrome type 3. My father is currently going through his third cancer battle since I’ve started college, so needless to say my life has been incredibly stressful. Access to Bearable premium will allow me to better understand my body, my mental health, and identify which practices help to alleviate my symptoms. Sending you a massive virtual bear hug <3 (haha get it)

thank you so much! I am hoping that this tool will allow me to learn about my own health and figure out the best way to deal with chronic illness and fatigue. thank you for your generosity!!

Thank you, my Bearable Hero ❤️. I use the Bearable app to track my physical state and my emotional state. This application already brings me a lot. And thanks to you, I will be able to discover what more it can bring. Thank you very much for allowing me to discover and enjoy this 💗💕

I’m someone out of many who deal with a process of diagnosis. This app has helped in ways that give me opportunities to help myself. I’m better with reflecting and the app makes taking notes for my doctor easier. I’ve been curious about the premium but, I’m 20 with hardly any stability (workin’ on it!) It means a lot with your help and I’m grateful for you, kind stranger!

Thank you. I suffer from chronic pain and fatigue, but I have not been able to get a diagnosis (or to get anyone to take me seriously at all). I use apps like Bearable to try to communicate with my loved ones about my struggles, and your support means the world to me.

Thank you so so much! I’m trying to take back tracking of my health having hEDS, POTS, and gastroparesis while trying to live an active and fulfilling life. I want to be able to live in harmony with my body and understanding it’s patterns will help so much. I hope the world is as kind to you as you have been to me and to the world ❤️

Thank you so much! Mental is super important in our family and getting to use this will help me teach my Autistic daughter as well how to control herself.

Dear Bearable Hero, thank you! This means a lot to me since I can’t afford a subscription. I am currently finishing school and Bearable really helps me to keep track of my habits and symptoms. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! This means the world to me.

Thank you so much for your support during this time in my life x

Thank you for helping me gain insight into my health.

Thank you for being a hero. I am grateful to be able to get some normality back into my life and being able to track my symptoms better.

Thank you so much for the help. I am using Bearable for my mental health journey and to help track my symptoms for all my different doctors.

I wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Tbh, it’s impossible for me to afford the premium version since I’m a med student, and well, I’m not affluent lol so your help means the world to me 🥺

Thank you so much for your help! I’m a disabled university student and can’t afford to pay for premium but need a convenient way to track my symptoms and how things affect my health.

I’m working hard to improve my wellbeing in the environment where I can’t control the majority of external factors that affect it. This app helps to manage and track symptoms of the bipolar disorder and BPD so I can react in time and make my episodes as mild as possible. Thank you for contributing! Good luck with your progress/recovery as well!

Thank you so much. I’m newly disabled and struggling so much. This app is so helpful for me in understanding why I flare and why I don’t.

Thank you, as someone with hyper mobility spectrum disorder, depression, anxiety and autism I signed up for the bearable free trial to help me track my symptoms and be able to work out any patterns that impact my pain or my mental health. I unfortunately couldn’t afford the subscription so had to cancel after the free trial. Having the free trial allowed me to take my phone to appointments and show my doctor the app to help get me on the correct medication. A sponsorship means I am able to continue tracking and viewing the patterns and making positive life changes to improve my health and wellbeing.

I really appreciate you, you are amazing and deserve to know it!

It would mean a lot to me. I suffer from a lot of chronic pain, fatigue and many mental health issues. I’d love to be able to track them effectively and this app so far does this for me!

Thank you so much. bearable helps me and my doctors manage my disability for the best possible quality of life.

I so appreciate this. I’ve just been diagnosed with autoimmune conditions and I’m trying to track my symptoms, but would not be able to do so in this way without your input, so thank you.

Thank you so much! I am trying to get my life on track so I can start to feel better. Your generosity is SO appreciated!”

I’m incredibly grateful for the sponsorship. Your support is important as I navigate my healing journey with depression and grief. I wish you lots of blessings.

Thank you! I am wishing you the same increased wellness and healing that this subscription will grant me! Take care, my Bearable Hero!”

Thank you so much for helping me to afford this app. I have been dealing with chronic illness and have trouble managing my symptoms and keeping track of them to advocate for myself at appointments. I can’t afford extra things due to medical bills and low income since not working much due to my pain. This makes all the difference!”

Thank you so much”

Thank you so much! Your kindness means more than you’ll ever know! I am on a fixed income and can’t afford extras. This app has been a blessing I’ve been looking for. I’ve been keeping my symptoms in my notes app and it’s been a pain to relay the info to my Dr. You really are my hero! Thank you so much again!”

Thankyou for sponsoring me on my journey with my health both mentally & physically”

Thank you for the kindness you spread and giving everyone a chance. We all know it isn’t easy going through this but it sure can be easier with a community like this ♡”

This will help me and my psychiatrist better understand my symptoms”

Thank you so much for being a sponsor. I have found the app so helpful and having full access to detailed insights will help me so much in my health journey in a way that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. Your generosity makes such a difference in people’s lives, it’s making such a difference in mine, I’m beyond grateful.”

I hope you understand just how much you are helping me figure out more about myself and how I can be better to myself. Thank you.”

I am so deeply appreciative for your self sacrifice in order to help other people like me. I have struggled for a long time with mental health issues and have found it helpful to be able to track which events are associated with which feelings. Your support means that I can have better insight into myself and what I need to focus on in order to feel good. Your support will not long be forgotten. Thank you.”

Thank you. I have a limited income and Bearable helps me keep track of my chronic illness flares.”

Thank you so so much. I have various illnesses and some unexplained symptoms, this could help me find patterns and link things together! The premium would also make it much easier for me to communicate with my health professionals as the data is already there and mapped out.”

Hi, I’m 19 with chronic joint pain, migraines and a whole bunch of other random health things that nobody has been able to diagnose yet so my goal for doing this is trying to make some definable patterns so that hopefully my symptoms can be managed.”

hello, first of all thank you, this really helped me since i need to track down my moods so i can get the right medication and i need to see more easily what works and what doesnt. I myself cant track my moods so well because i dont realise them.. i need to just click and have it all in one place. Second of all thank u again :)”

I’m a 27 year old, semi-newly single mother, with several chronic illnesses and chronic pain. I wanted to start tracking my pain and symptoms, and see if anything makes them worse or better.
I’d like to be able to live a better, less painful and fatigued life, especially for my daughter, who’s 4. That would mean the world to me. On my really bad days, when I have to tell my daughter “not today, mommy doesn’t feel well,” the look in her eyes kills me… I want to be better, for her.”


As someone seeking diagnosis for chronic issues this app is great for keeping track of symptoms. Premium would make that experience even better for me. Thank you so much for making it happen.”

I have chronic daily migraines and access to the graphs and correlations would be super helpful in trying to figure out why this is happening and how I can fix it”

Thank you for your generosity and I appreciate those that are financially stable enough to be able to contribute towards a cause like this. I hope that becoming a viable candidate and being granted this opportunity is the world telling me that I did enough with what I had to give and here is something back. I hope to one day get myself back to a stable position where I could be a contributor to this cause as well.”

Thank you!! I’m disabled and having this will help me track my symptoms more accurately and hopefully help me get better medical in the future❤️❤️”

Thank you, I’m unemployed and can’t work right now, in part due to health issues. Hopefully the insights from the app can be useful to me :)”

I use this app daily you are amazing thank you so much for gifting me with this opportunity”

Thank you so much for the sponsorship! Being able to use the premium version will surely help me on my mental health journey! :)”

Thank you very very much. I don’t have that much money and it means alot to me. Because ive been struggling with my mental health for a while and want to improve it.”

I work as a hospital chaplain at a cancer center and absolutely love what I do. However, I don’t make much money and am looking for ways to take care of myself so I can continue this important work! I would be incredibly grateful for your support!”

I was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness that I have had most of my life and I am currently trying to learn how to manage it. Thank you for being apart of my journey to learn myself and how to live normally :)”

Thank you. I hope this helps returns to you 10000x”

It means the world to me to have support and structure for my illnesses (mental and physical) and I’m so grateful for that gift. Thank you.”

I would massively appreciate this opportunity, as I have just graduated university and am looking for a job that suits me instead of jumping into the first job I find. I think now is one of the most important times of my life to look after my physical and mental health in order for me to make good decisions that will benefit me for the rest of my life.”

I’ve been really struggling with my well being. Thank you for helping me track my symptoms and get the help I need.”

Thank you so much for your generosity! I have been struggling with an undiagnosed chronic illness that has made me unemployable and your sponsorship is going to make it that much easier to show doctors what’s going on with me and hopefully get a diagnosis. Thank you so much!”

Thank you. I just discovered how important it is to care for myself. I went a long time thinking it didn’t matter what happened to me. Bearable has helped me understand how much taking care of myself affects my willingness to continue living. Thank you for allowing me to continue on my journey.”

I appreciate your help in healing my mind and working on my physical health. I am grateful for you sponsoring this so I can have access to the best parts of this app. I appreciate you and send you loving thoughts”

Thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot! My therapist wants me to keep track of my symptoms and other things in that realm and the best way for me to do that is with premium. I’m eternally grateful for you help and support on my journey!”

I just want to say thankyou so much! I have POTS and hypoglycemia and i’m in college and have a full time job, things are pretty hard right now so bei mg able to keep up with how i’m feeling is amazing!”

I’m very thankful to receiving this help due to not being able to work at this moment.”

Thank you so much. I pray success and contentment comes your way. I will forever be grateful for you sponsoring my bearable premium account. ❤️”

Bearable is amazing at helping me track my ADHD symptoms to identify what helps and hurts. My memory isn’t enough on it’s own!”

Thank you for helping me take control of my health!”

Thank you so much! I have BPD (Bordeline personality disorder) and I use Bearable to track my symptoms. if you’re reading this I probably won something, and I’m very grateful for your help. God bless you!”

This app is proving to be a huge tool in my recovery from multiple traumas. Access to the entirety of its scope would be so important. I was robbed at my job and have been unable to return to work. I am surviving on wage replacement from a part time minimum wage job and it is not much. Thank you!”

I’m new diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I use Bearable to keep track of my flare ups. sponsors like you make it easier on single parents to keep their health in line.”

I appreciate your help! I’m not really able to pay for a subscription right now, because my only source of income is mental health disability allowance. But I feel like I need a pro bearable subscription to track my pills and prevent burnouts. So thanks a lot, your gift is really important for me <3″

I’ve recently begun re-learning how to live my life as a disabled person—one in college, no less!—and I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to learn more about my patterns. It’s been really hard to get used to, I’m still grieving, but tracking symptoms has become almost soothing to me. I really can’t thank you enough for sponsoring me, since I just don’t have the money right now (re: college, lol).”

I can’t express how much your sponsorship means to me. This premium access will make a huge difference in how I manage my chronic illness. It gives me access to resources and support I wouldn’t have otherwise. Your kindness has truly touched my life.”

Thank you for you sponsorship! As a low income person with chronic health issues, having access to bearable premium is a great help in managing my symptoms which keeps my surprise doctor visits down.”

Dear Bearable Hero, Recently my BPD is flailing up and ATM I cannot afford health insurance, so I’m looking into basically retraining my brain myself using DBT therapy techniques. I’ve been using this app for only a little bit and I have enjoyed how it tracks the progress throughout the day in a way I can maybe share later on with a medical professional. If you’re reading this, thank you for giving me even more resources, I appreciate your generosity and may your gods treat you as you have treated others. -CB”

Thank you so much for helping us out! I don’t have much to say but it’s appreciated since I’m unable to fund the premium subscription myself, and this app does wonders for my physical and mental health! I can’t wait to go further with Bearable.”

Thank you for funding my subscription to this app. I have a lot of health issues and I really hope I can manage them better and learn to understand contributing factors with the app. I am a student in the last phase of my studies and it is my goal for this year to get into a routine that benefits me more and let’s me manage the symptoms better. Thank you for helping with this.”

Thank you so very much for being my hero this month! As a mum of two toddlers with many different and complex physical and mental health challenges I need all the help and support I can get, and I greatly appreciate every little bit of it! Bearable has been a life-changing and awesome tool that takes away the stress and extra effort of manual logging and tracking and sitting down to set it up beforehand, cus ain’t nobody got time (or energy) for dat! And it helps me better understand how things affect my health so I can focus on getting the right kind of help that I need so I can spend less time missing out on what’s really important in life and more time being the best mom that I can be for my kids.”

This helped me so much, thank you🙏🏻💐❤️ I’ve been battling with chronic pain since I was 11 and tracking my habits is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“Thank you so much. I have several chronic illnesses, and my health is not in a good place right now. You have no idea how much this incredible gift means to me. I will repay this act of kindness one day when I can”

I’m at a loss as to what’s causing my symptoms and what might improve them. I’m eager to find out what associations are going on so that I can start to feel better, or at least in more control. I’m so very grateful for the opportunity at greater insights! Thank you!!”

“Dear future friend, 🐻‍❄️ I just wanted to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart for using this incredible app. It’s such a shame that I can’t afford the subscription right now, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your involvement and the efforts you put into it, and it’s paying off.
The probability that you’re there for me, ready to be my sponsor, means so much. ❤️ Your support makes each day a little brighter. Thank you for being there, and I hope to join you soon in the premium version! With all my gratitude, 🌟”

Thank you so much for your generosity. Life with multiple chronic illnesses is rough and having access to tools like Bearable make it just that bit easier 💛”

Thank you so much for making it possible to manage my daily pain as much as possible. I am not able to work and trying to get disability so this is a real blessing. Thank you again. 💕🌷”

“Thank you so so much, I use this app to help track my chronic illnesses and the symptoms alongside it, unfortunately I cannot afford premium and your assistance means the world to me❤️❤️”

Thank you so much for helping me to believe I am worthy of the investment for wellness.”

Thank you so much for giving this opportunity to me, im 18 years old and suffer from both endometriosis and Pcos, I got diagnosed at 17 after 3 years of constant daggering pain, since I’ve downloaded this app I’ve been able to keep track of my symptoms and somewhat figure my body out so I thank you from the bottom of my heart”

“Thank you for the sponsorship ❤️ I’m in my final year of med school and my mental health hasn’t been great. I really really appreciate this, and I know it’ll help me feel heaps better which in turn will let me help others, so thanks!!”

Thank you so much! This gift is truly a blessing as I navigate my recent diagnosis.”

I hope I am able to, one day, return this beautiful favor to a fellow human being who is struggling”

“Thank you so much for sponsoring me. I am currently trying to track symptoms of POTS and a slew of other ugly possibilities after already surviving cancer. Having a functional way to track these things is incredibly important and I appreciate your support.”

Hi there! Thank you so much for sponsoring, I’m deeply grateful for the kind and selfless gesture. I wish ease and constant contentment and joy in your life.”

Thank you so much for this, this app helps me keep track of and manage symptoms for various disabilities I have. It’s a lifesaver in terms of understanding what does and doesn’t work for me. I hope I’ll be able to give this back one day and pay your kindness forward. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and best of luck with whatever you’re trying to achieve today!”

“Thank you for doing this. I cannot tell you how much this means to me.”

Thank you so much. I used to use the premium version before but as my chronic illness symptoms worsened, my medical bills became bigger and bigger and I couldn’t afford Bearable anymore. This will help me tremendously for my bedridden disabled life.”

I have really wanted premium for a long time. I have many chronic health conditions. I love the free bearable but I need the features on premium to make it most effective. My mum is a single mum and we don’t have the money to get a subscription. Whether I win or not, thank you so much for your generous heart that is giving someone the gift of this app!”

“I am in my last semester of nursing school and struggling to keep track of everything, thanks for helping me out”

Thank you for helping me be able to express my health journey better to medical professionals and loved ones. I have been diagnosed with POTS, CFS/MA and HSD and am trying my to figure out what treatment/management plans work best. This app helps me and those around me understand my body better. Thank you”

Thank you so much! This is app is really helping me better myself. I started this when I noticed that I am completely debilitated by a condition called PMDD. This is is changing the way I manage and treat it. I am able to see in almost real time what actually makes a difference. This app has helped me be a better mom and partner. Thank you so much.”

“This would mean a lot to me because right now I don’t have the means to afford it. Even if I don’t win I take comfort in the fact that others who need it do”

Thank you so much, this always me to track my pots better so i can function more normally”

Thank you so much. I suffer from a horrible invisible illness without much support. This app is really helping me and my doctor”

“Thank you so much for being my hero! This means the world to me and will help me to live my best life 💚”

I have ADHD and have been struggling with depression since 2012, but I’ve always believed I can and will someday beat it, as hard as it might get sometimes. I believe the data Bearable Premium would be a very valuable tool towards that, and I can’t thank you enough. It makes me truly happy to see that there’s still genuinely good, kind people in this world, and I can only hope to someday be able to do something as nice as you did. Wholeheartedly, thank you.”

Salutations! If you’re reading this message I have won a 1 month premium membership to the Bearable App because of your thoughtfulness.

Thank you! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧

I have an invisible autoimmune disorder that is crippling at times. Managing my life is very difficult which is why I downloaded this app. Unfortunately, to get full benefits we must pay but I live on a VERY tight budget and cannot afford these apps. That’s why I am so grateful for people like you who pass your blessings on to make life better for others. God bless you.


“Thank you for your generous gift and kind support. – I am an autistic adult with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and PTSD. I often don’t understand instructions, and I get confused and overwhelmed easily. I often act strangely. I have a hard time understanding my own feelings and symptoms. I can’t adequately explain my behavior to my coworkers. I am constantly afraid that I will lose my job. I think I would perform better if I could get on the right meds, lower my anxiety and depression, and improve my ability to focus. This app can help me identify my triggers and symptoms, and communicate them to my psychiatrist, so I can get my meds corrected.”

This is so kind of you! As someone with many health issues, this app is so helpful and while I can’t afford the premium version myself, it’s very helpful to have.”

Thank you for helping me manage my mental health. Your help lets me continue to live”

“Ohmigosh, thank you so much!!! I could really use a break and I sincerely appreciate your generosity. Blessings. ✨”

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am recovering from being in a coma for nearly 7 months. This app will help so much keeping track of everything. Hopefully, one day I will be able to return to work and pass along to someone else what you have given me. You truly are a blessing!”

Thank you so much for access to this tool. Health and mental health is having a huge impact on my life and I keep trying to get back control.”

“I have ongoing health challenges that are still being diagnosed, and being able to track them is invaluable to me. Thank you!”

I live with endometriosis and whilst I had surgery two years ago, there was so much that they were unable to get all of it. There is some still left on my bowels and I’m in excruciating pain for 2-3weeks each month. I’m also a single mum to a 10month old and some weeks I’m choosing between food and baby formula. Tracking my symptoms means I can have something to show my doctors that I need help and support. You paying for this is life changing and helps me advocate for myself. Thank you so much”

I would feel extremely grateful to have access to this great tool. I used it a lot in the past, but my budget no longer allowed it. I struggle with anxiety and traumas. Each day is a little bit better. I see a therapist right now that asks me to follow up every day. I think Bearable would be the best tool to do so.

The flexibility of this application is incredible. It is customizable and so complete. Thank you to exist !”

“This means so much to me. I’m 22 and I’ve been blessed with chronic health problems- I’m using Bearable to track my symptoms for multiple reasons. Partially for my doctors, to give them better data and get better treatment. But also for myself, I’m trying to learn my limits and find the patterns behind my symptoms so I can live my life easier. I’m a graduate student trying to study what I love, and getting a grip on my symptoms and my health will mean I can dedicate myself to that instead of letting my health run my life.”

I appreciate you!! Thank you for supporting those of us with chronic illness.”

This means so much to me, I can’t thank you enough for this!! <3″

“My name is Tilly and I am a teen living with two chronic illnesses. Bearable helps be track my pain and get to the bottom of the pain I live with everyday. I thank you so much for your generosity and kindness.”

“I don’t know how to thank you enough of how much this means to me. I don’t have a job so I can’t get premium. And I just got bipolar disorder diagnosis a few months ago so I need this so I can observe my mood and symptoms then I can better deal with it. Thank you so much for your sponsorship, so grateful for your kindness. May you have a wonderful happy life ahead.”

“Thank you so much for lending a hand! I deal with several issues, including chronic fatigue, persistent pain and ADHD, and hopefully this will go a long way in helping me holistically manage my symptoms and get more out of my day-to-day life ✨”

“Thank you so much for making it easier to keep track of my symptoms! I have fibromyalgia as well as other chronic health problems I’m trying to get diagnosed, and being able to track all of my symptoms easily in one place will make it so much easier to show my medical team!”

“Thank you so much! I’m so excited to find out the ways in which premium will help me even more than standard does. I’m sure you understand the value of this gift because you yourself use Bearable. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“I’m so grateful for the sponsorship. I’m trying to manage my mental health at a time when life, financial and home stress is high. Your kindness has come at a time when I really need it. When I am back on my feet I would love to pay this forward and help another person in need.”

“Dear Bearable Hero, I appreciate your act of kindness to sponsor me through Bearable. This app has made life easier on my health journey, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you and I hope you have a happy, healthy life.”

“Thank you so much for helping me get better insights into my mental health”

“First, a HUGE THANK YOU!! I just found out I have MCAS and could have some other autoimmune issues. I was told to write down everything and that Bearable could help. There are things i need to be keeping track of like what I’m eating and how my body reacts but with the free version I can’t do that. Having the premium version will help when I go to see my new doctors.”

“Thank you so much, this means so much to me. I am going to college next year and since i was diagnosed with a chronic illness less than a year ago, it has been very difficult to manage.”

“I am so grateful for your help. Chronic illness makes earning difficult and every bit helps. Thank you for your generosity.”

“Hi Bearable Hero!! Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. I’m a full-time student living in Canada and times are tough, although I feel really good about the direction I am headed. I’ve been struggling with my mental health, more significantly, over the last few years. Being able to monitor my ability to focus, my energy, my mental and emotional well-being in conjunction with my regular habits has been so helpful. Thanks again for helping out a stranger!! :)”

“I currently have an undiagnosed illness which causes chronic pain and restroom issues. I love this app because it helps me track my symptoms. I can not afford all my medical bills and the premium of this app. Your gift has allowed me to see if this will help me pinpoint my triggers and hopefully allow me some relief. I greatly appreciate your kindness and hope you’re blessed !”

Thank you so much! I use Bearable to track my chronic health condition symptoms, so Premium will be very useful for my daily life. Thank you ❤️”

Oh my god, Thank you so much!! I’ve been wanting premium but haven’t been able to afford it with medical bills and grocery shopping as i am only a college student. Thank you so much and i hope you have a wonderful continuation of your day/week/month/year/life <333″

“Thank you!”

“It would truly mean a lot to me. I’ve struggled with ADHD, ADD, Anxiety and I’m going through a really rough divorce rn after I was in a domestic violence situation bearable has been helping me get my life back on track.”

“Thank you for sponsoring me. This app helps me a lot with tracking my mental health and daily activities. You’re a great person for sponsoring people. I’m going to make the most of it! <3”

“Thank you so much for your generosity!!”

“The Bearable app has helped me as I keep track of my endometriosis symptoms. Now, as I’m starting my journey with fertility treatments, I’m going to be using the app to keep track of my cycle, medications, and *fingers crossed* future pregnancy. Being able to take advantage of the full premium capabilities will provide me with more information to support my fertility journey and communicate with my doctors about my endometriosis symptoms. I’m so grateful for the chance to gain more information about my health and my future!’

“Keeping track of symptoms day by day can be exhausting. I appreciate you for making this possible.”

“Thank you so much for choosing to sponsor someone that uses Bearable!! I use Bearable to track my moods but also my physical symptoms, I have painful disabilities and this app has been such a great way to keep track of what helps me and what hinders me, as well as reflect back on the good days and learn from the bad ones. Bearable has been such an important tool in my life and is genuinely helpful for managing life as a disabled person, and if I win the raffle that would mean even more valuable resources to help with that. Your gesture is incredibly generous and I’m so thankful that you’ve chosen to sponsor anyone at all! Have a great day and take care of yourself :)”

“Bearable has helped me track fluctuations, it has helped me manage my chronic illness and actually helped me get diagnosed.”

“Thank you so much! Me and my family have been in a really tough financial situation for a while now, and it’s been hard. It means a lot!”

“Thank you. I have been trying to get my pain under control in order to pick up and hold my kids again. You have helped me get closer to my end goal.”

“Thank you! Bearable helps me manage my depression symptoms. I’ve never tried premium, but I look forward to seeing how it can improve my foreseeing (sorry for any weird sentence, English isn’t my native language)”

“Hey! First off, you are an amazing human for doing this, it is so so so so sooooo very appreciated that you would do this! Thanks to you, I can more effectively keep track of how my heart condition is currently affecting me, and maybe me and my care team can spot correlations we haven’t noticed before. Because of you, we might find a way of effective treatment for my heart, and maybe even more. Your help is appreciated, I hope your pillow is cold on both sides every night and that you have good days for the rest of your life. Your gift will mean more than you ever know. :)”

“Hi, I’m Samantha. I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar 2, anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder. I struggle really hard keeping a routine and just being able to check in on myself. I’m currently going through a treatment program at a psychiatric hospital which is extremely expensive. And because I began getting the intensive treatment, I haven’t been able to work. Actually I was recently let go from my full time job two weeks ago.
If I am given the chance to have a sponsor I would like to say thank you. You being able to supply me with more tools to better my mental health is such a gift. I can only hope that after I’m out of treatment and find another career I can help someone else as you are helping me.”

“Thank you so much for deciding to sponsor me. I have Crohn’s Disease (a type of IBD) and this app is a lifesaver for me to be able to track my symptoms in a timeblock manner.”

“An amazing gesture to help someone who can’t afford the premium version but really needs help.”

“Thank you so so much!! I’m using Bearable for mental health mostly, to try and understand the patterns of my bipolar and anxiety and such; this will help immensely. Thank you for looking out for others like this. I’m proud of you, whoever you are! If I am given the chance to have a sponsor I would like to say thank you. You being able to supply me with more tools to better my mental health is such a gift. I can only hope that after I’m out of treatment and find another career I can help someone else as you are helping me.”

“Thank you SO much for being my Bearable Hero ❤️. We are a DID system and have multiple chronic physical conditions as well. We have been struggling to figure out what’s wrong with us, and Bearable makes it a little easier to figure that out. You’re the best!!”

“Thank you so much <3 This means the world to me – I have chronic fatigue and hope to be able to improve my symptoms by being able to use Bearable Premium for insights into habits that help/harm me. I‘m a uni student and the chronic fatigue makes it difficult to do anything else than sleeping – so again, thank you so much!”

“Thank you! <3”

“Dear Bearable Hero,

Thank you so much for your support! It means the world to me as I navigate life with a chronic disease. The ability to monitor my medication, track my health evolution, and oversee my recovery process is invaluable.

Your generosity, as a Bearable Hero, is making a significant impact on my health journey, and I’m sincerely grateful for your kindness and support.


“I live in a broke and toxic household and i am counting my days until I’ll be no longer a minor do i can run away to live with my adoptive(technically not, but emotionally yes) mom who’s divorced from my father. I really need all the resources i can get to remain as sane as it is possible and not end up in a psych ward. I am still recovering from depression, not to mention i most likely have adhd but in my country it seems impossible to find a way to get diagnosed and treated for it. For the Hero, thank you so much for what you did. Even if i am not the one who’ll win, I’m sure the impact of your charity will make at least one person’s life at least a bit easier ❤️‍🩹”

“Thanks a lot! I really want to use premium, but I cannot afford it right now, especially with my health condition. Trying to take care for myself and track all my symptoms so I can get better help. So I am really thankful you help me doing that. You’re such a wonderful person and I am so glad there are people like you in this world💜”

“You have the kindest heart, I hope there’s more people like you out there, hopefully soon I’ll be able to pay it forward to help others just like you, thank you so much you have no idea how this helps.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t have the words to say how grateful I am. This illness I’m dealing with is new to me and has been so completely debilitating. Figuring out triggers and what makes it worse or better is such an important step and I’ve been struggling to be able to keep up with it and do what I need to do. Being able to see what’s going on will make this so much easier and will vastly improve my quality of life. Thank you, so, so much; this will be such a massive help!”

“Thank you so much for contributing to this. Mood tracking has become very important lately for me and the extra stats will help me process and work through emotional trends.”

“It means the world to me that I’m able to access this amazing app and take care of my overall health by tracking it. It truly makes a difference in seeing my daily habits how it impacts me. Thank you.”

“I subscribe to bearable and my yearly subscription is about to expire. I won’t be able to renew this year. I use bearable daily to help me manage my complex health needs. I’m a single mother and I get 0 help from my child’s father. (ongoing post seperational abuse.) This has pushed me into financial difficulty. I have to chose between heating the home or having a hot meal myself most days.

If anyone would be kind enough to sponsor me, I would pay it back whenever I am able to.”

“Thank you so much, as a young person with chronic illnesses and conditions, it’s super important to me to be able to track my symptoms, medications and other factors to see the correlations between things – what works and what doesn’t. I wish to do the same once I have some stability, so thank you for giving me the boost 💜”

“I genuinely appreciate your kindness and generosity for sponsoring me, I don’t believe it’s possible for me to put into words how grateful I am that someone just helped another stranger out of the kindness of their soul. From the bottom of my heart thank you, and I hope you’re taking care.”

“Thank you so much for making it possible for me to try the Bearable app, I have heard a lot of good vibes, thank you my hero”

“Thank you so very much. Your kindness means i can use better tools to deal with permanent illnesses and mental issues along with my doctors to have the best quality of life i can still have. It makes a difference, and so do you.”

“Thank you so much for your sponsorship! I am currently unable to work (and had to move in with my parents– I’m in my 30’s) due to some mystery health issues that I’m trying so hard to figure out (so far the neurologist didn’t find anything, next up is endocrinology 🤦). I really appreciate your help ❤️”

“Thank you sooo much, I have a few chronic illnesses and haven’t been able to track and find out what my triggers are, this is so helpful. Thank you again it means a lot.”

“I cannot tell you how much it means to be sponsored – I’m a writer-director in LA struggling with OCD & anxiety and this app will give me so many insights into factors that are affecting my mental health. I will also use it to give my therapists more information so they can better help me :) Thank you thank you thank you ❤️”

“Thank you so much! This means a lot as someone who want to improve myself but can’t afford to!”

“Thank you SO much. I have Crohn’s disease, and bearable has made a difference to my life, even the free version. The premium version will allow me to conduct experiments with food and reactions, giving me a much clearer picture of what I can and cannot eat. With Crohn’s, no one diet works for every patient. It’s unfortunately VERY individual what will cause problems or instigate a flare. Having the premium version means so much. Having a better picture of how my health is impacted possibly or negatively in greater detail than the free version will be a wonderful boon. Thank you!”

“Kchi Miigwech (thank you in Potawatomi) as an indigenous audhd chronically ill queer person this app really helps me but I can’t afford to keep it… I only get SSDI and it makes it very hard to pay for! I appreciate you.”

“Thank you so, so much. I use bearable daily & it helps with my mental health tremendously. It’s the only way I’m able to reliably track my mood & habits. I appreciate you, & I hope you have a wonderful day. :)”

“Thank you so much for helping me keep my shit together! :)”

“I am in Ukraine and Bearable is one of the main things that helps me stay sane and see the big picture. Unfortunately, after my subscription ends in March 2024 I will not be able to renew it due to the dire situation. To be able to continue to use bearable fully would mean a lot to me.”

“You are single handedly making a difference in my life and health, helping me manage my chronic illnesses.”

“thank you so so so much. i am a poor highschool student in rural Oregon. I have many health issues, with no clue of what’s actually wrong with me. i’ve traveled hours and days and seen countless doctors about everything with no avail. thank you for helping me in my journey to finding out what’s wrong with me :)”

“I might not win, but if I do, you must be a very generous person and I am so grateful to you.”

“Thank you so much for your generosity. You have made my ability to make sure my health truly becomes a priority for me and I cannot tank you enough for this”

“This means a lot to me, thanks!”

“I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with a demyelinating disease due to 15 lesions on my brain, 2 on my spine and a myriad of symptoms. This would be truly beneficial to track my symptoms and identify the best treatment moving forward. Thank you so much for your assistance in helping delay progression of the disease.”

“I’ve just been trying so long to find help. Thank you more than words can describe. Hope we both make it💚🖤”

“I’d just like to start off with a HUGE THANK YOU! What you are doing is so honorable and I wish I was able to do the same. A little about me! I am a mother of 3! 5, 3, and 1 years old! I have been struggling with chronic pain since elementary school so 20+ years! In the last few years I have been getting worse and worse to the point I should need a wheelchair pretty soon for any outings that will require more walking than just from the parking lot to the building. I’m currently using a cane but it’s not really enough help. I have POTs, hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome (it’s a genetic connective tissue disorder), fibromyalgia, spinal arthritis, a couple herniated discs in my spine, and 2 torn tendons in both my left and right hand. My husband is the only one working so living off one income is rough. Especially with three kids and all of my co-pays at the drs. This app has really helped me pin point what triggers more pain and helps my drs see the trends as well! Every bit counts and I’m so appreciative of you taking this piece of financial stress off my shoulders! 🧡 much love, Erin.”

“Brain fog has made it impossible to keep track of my symptoms on my own. This app has helped me understand my health and assisted me in making progress with my diagnoses. Thank you for helping me understand my health a little more!!”

“Thank you tremendously! I’m chronically ill, and this is a huge help for me.”

“Thank you. This could help me and my family so much! My son has cancer and I was diagnosed with crohns and couple other issues this year and I don’t even know what I’m doing! Thank you again”

“I may have been blessed with the power of ADD but I’m not as financially blessed. So thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul for making it possible for me to try Bearable premium! Bearable helps me. Thank you!”

“Thank you. I cannot express how much this means to me. I have a few health conditions and monitoring them is helping me manage the worst of it so I don’t have to miss work.”

“Thank you so much for being kind. Most people I know don’t really wanna help. You did! 💜😽”

“Thank you for being so kind and generous! I hope that your generosity is rewarded equally, if not tenfold!”

“The ability to have insight of my chronic illnesses and the effectiveness of the tools in my arsenal is so appreciated!!! I feel at ease knowing that I’m being held accountable for what I eat and for keeping healthy habits. Your support is so appreciated!!”

“Thank you so much for your sponsorship, my income isn’t great while dealing with my chronic pain so it’s hard to afford premiums like this for apps that could help me keep track of my pain and possibly manage it more. Thank you so so much for your help!”

“Thank you, I am currently in my last semester of nursing school and working very hard to get through the next few months. This app is a huge help in showing me how different things affect my mood, sleep, etc and has helped me improve my life over the past few years”

“I was diagnosed with an invisible illness at the age of 21, I am 25 now and still battling to live. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, this is a life changing app to keep track of all my physical issues 😭 God bless you.”

“Thanks for giving me access to insightful information about my own health. I am grateful for your kind act or sharing.”

“Thank you, genuinely, for giving me this opportunity to try to improve my life. It means a lot. And although I don’t have much to say, I hope it still gets through to you.”

“Been having such a hard time, this means everything to me. thank you so much i wouldn’t be able to do this without your support”

“Thank you so much. I have been using Bearable for 1.5 years but its cost has become hard to handle. This is making it so I can keep track of everything and makes sense of my body and world.”

“At this time, I am not in a position to pay for this app. However, This app has helped me greatly in tracking my symptoms related to a genetic disorder so that I can better care for myself. Your thoughtful donation has improved my life”

“thank you so much for sponsoring me, it means alot to me as i am a chronically ill person with ADHD and autism, so bearable is a big help to me”

“Because of you, I’m able to take better control of my health and wellbeing. I have a chronic and disabling condition that makes life hard, but gifts like yours makes life easier. Thank you.”

“Thank you for being selfless. I am a single mom of two struggling with lifelong, debilitating anxiety, depression, ptsd etc and now physical health conditions :( “

“As being chronically ill and having a lot of doctor appointments, it’s becoming pretty expensive. Although I do my best to work full-time, while my body is screaming for rest. I simply need to work full-time because of financial reasons. I think this app could help my doctors to see how I deal on a daily base with my chronic illness and which impact it has on my life.”

“I am a Mama to 4 girls and I’m trying to deal with several issues including CRPS, Fibro, Dysautonomia, Migraines, etc. I would be so thankful to be able to track things to figure out patterns so I could hopefully figure out what triggers my flares to help control/avoid them so I can show up and be present for my girls, my husband, and my clients. Thank you so so much for enabling me to be a better mom, wife, and just, Person. We all are dealing with major life issues and changes that we need to adapt to- and it is So. Freaking. Hard. This is a huge step in helping me breathe a little easier. Thank you.”

“I wish to thank you for kind gesture. Having access to Bearable Premium would allow me to monitor and share my health issues. Much gratitude to you for being such a wonderful person”

“As being chronically ill and having a lot of doctor appointments, it’s becoming pretty expensive. Although I do my best to work full-time, while my body is screaming for rest. I simply need to work full-time because of financial reasons. I think this app could help my doctors to see how I deal on a daily base with my chronic illness and which impact it has on my life.”

“Thank you so much. I’m going through a rough patch right now, but I hope to soon be able to pay your kindness forward.”

“I use bearable to track my chronic pain and it is such an important tool to help me improve my mental and physical wellbeing. Thank you for supporting me in my ability to grow and become the person I want to be. I hope your life is filled with the same kindness and joy you are spreading.”

“I’m a student and I needed somewhere to write down how I feel and what I eat to keep track of myself bc I have been in lows I didn’t even know I was in. I wanted something that I could see that would help me know when that happens.”

“Thank you so much for your help and selflessness! I am a single mother diagnosed with 3 different autoimmune diseases and put on medication I can barely afford, along with a recent health scare for my 3 year old daughter. This helps more than you know!”

“I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity, and the wonderful generosity of the donors. For those of us with a lack of financial independence, this means more than we can put into words.

Personally, I have been dealing with a myriad of issues that I found could mean needing a wheelchair within a decade. This opportunity means I have a chance of really being able to track my health in such a way as to provide my care providers necessary information on the myriad of issues that I am presented with, and allows me to see the patterns of my activity and their consequences to better prepare myself and recover more wholly and support myself with accommodations that help in the long term.

So from the depths of my heart and gratitude, thank you.”

“Thank you for the kindness of a small but huge support. I have 11 years of chronic health challenges. I live with multiple complex invisible illnesses and disabilties daily that debilitate my daily function so much I am unable to work, socialise, have optimal brain function/cognitive function and optimal mobility. I am currently 32 with a four wheel walker to support balance and fatigue. To top this all off I also have AuDHD so memory, planning, focus were all against me…. Bearable is a one stop shop where I can record all the complexities and hopefully continue to move through goals and find correlation because in 11 years I have never been managed. Because of this I live with chronic pain daily about 8/10. I do not recieve any support yet from the government and rely on my partners wage to attend multiple appointments each week and plan everything…. Having access to Bearable may literally change my life but unfortunately, I do not have the current ability to pay for this service. Regardless of the outcome Thank you.”

“I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and autism and I’m trying to find a job that isn’t overwhelming for me, but my husband got laid off and I’m really struggling with my emotional disregulation recently. I’ve just started to learn the power of recognizing and naming emotions, and I’ve been using the free version of this app to do that. But premium will give me so much more insight and help me learn how to manage my overwhelming emotions during this crazy time, and figure out what works best for me. So thank you so much for helping me!!!”

“I live with endometriosis and whilst I had surgery two years ago, there was so much that they were unable to get all of it. There is some still left on my bowels and I’m in excruciating pain for 2-3weeks each month. I’m also a single mum to a 10month old and some weeks I’m choosing between food and baby formula. Tracking my symptoms means I can have something to show my doctors that I need help and support. You paying for this is life changing and helps me advocate for myself. Thank you so much”

“I would feel extremely grateful to have access to this great tool. I used it a lot in the past, but my budget no longer allowed it. I struggle with anxiety and traumas. Each day is a little bit better. I see a therapist right now that asks me to follow up every day. I think Bearable would be the best tool to do so.

The flexibility of this application is incredible. It is customizable and so complete. Thank you to exist !”

“I want to express how grateful I am to have been gifted this opportunity. Recently I lost my job and have been unable to find a new job in my condition. Doctors had been passing me around because no one could figure out why I couldn’t walk anymore at 23. I am now receiving physical therapy and can walk without mobility aids for the most part. Being able to properly monitor my symptoms and tracking them to see trends would be so incredibly helpful for ensuring I’m not pushing my body too far, and to hopefully live a semi normal lifestyle without too much pain. I could never thank you enough for granting me that, and I hope that you receive endless good karma and that you are happy and healthy for the rest of your days.”

“Your support in my own health insights is truly appreciated. I am a disabled vet looking for patterns in my health, and the Bearable app has been the only comprehensive app I’ve trusted. Thank you so much!”

“Thank you so much for being my hero! This means the world to me and will help me to live my best life 💚”

“Thank you for helping me be able to express my health journey better to medical professionals and loved ones. I have been diagnosed with POTS, CFS/MA and HSD and am trying my to figure out what treatment/management plans work best. This app helps me and those around me understand my body better. Thank you”

“Thank you so much! This is app is really helping me better myself. I started this when I noticed that I am completely debilitated by a condition called PMDD. This is is changing the way I manage and treat it. I am able to see in almost real time what actually makes a difference. This app has helped me be a better mom and partner. Thank you so much.”