Hall of Heroes

Messages from our heroes to the people they’ve sponsored

Hall of Heroes

Messages from our heroes to the people they’ve sponsored

Hall of Heroes

Messages from our heroes to the people they’ve sponsored

“I hope this can help someone who doesn’t feel well, tracking symptoms can be a critical part of the journey to health 🥰” – Paul Harrison

“Because people have always helped me my whole life. ” – abra_kadabra99

I wanted to give someone else a chance to manage their health and work out their triggers.” – Mel

I hope you can use Bearable to make your life a little easier ❤️” – Kel

Just like to help” – EdwardPotatoHand

Everyone deserves a chance to get help they need” – The Dude

Insight is the first step. Taking control over your life can help you change it to the better. I hope this helps you.” – Mikaela

Always believe in magic, so here I am to pay it forward with love, kindness, and acceptance of whoever you are, wherever you are! You’re perfect just the way you are. Never give up. You’ve always been a hero. 💜” – King Arthur

You’re not lazy. Your symptoms are real. The way you feel is valid. And it does get better. Don’t give up. I believe in you. You’ve got this.” – Keleigh

“I have several mental health struggles for years and they make it hard for me to understand myself. Bearable is one of the best tool I found to log, analyse and understand myself. It helped me and now I hope it’ll help someone else in need too! ” – Bastien

I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 about seven years ago and Bearable has been an indispensable tool for me. I understand my life and well-being better. I share my results with my psychiatrist and therapist. Its’s been helpful in planning treatment choices and life changes. It’s also very grounding, to wrap up the day and treat it like a data diary. I’d love it if my sponsorship went to someone with a mood disorder who seems committed to truly using it if possible. It’s been f***in awesome, you guys. Thanks for you work. I hope someone else gets to benefit too.” –Bandit 

I’ve been in a place of need, and sometimes still am. Today, I can help.” – Allegro et Adage

“I wanted someone else to receive the benefits that I have from this app. This is a great opportunity! Thank you, Bearable team!” – Ken Bucks

“This app is so great and I want to support the developers and if I can help others too then happy to do it.” – Mike JD

“You’re important 💕” – Sonny

“I believe everyone should have a fighting chance to have access to something that can change their life when dealing with a chronic condition. And this is it!” – Corvette

“We all have to be our own detective when it comes to chronic illness, especially when professionals don’t know what’s wrong.” – Caring Friend

I decided to sponsor those who can’t afford Bearable because this app has helped me so much with keeping my medications, mood, and energy on track!” – Seiren

“I’ve struggled with chronic invisible illness my whole life. The frustration of having so many symptoms and not knowing if they are related and struggling to communicate that to medical professionals is something that people who are in pain or suffering shouldn’t have to deal with. I just want to pay it forward.” – Zebra

“Everyone deserves to be able to understand themselves” – Siggy

Helping others help themselves” – Helencarnate

This app has helped me so much! And I believe all humans need access to things that help them physically and mentally” – Gail

“Here’s to better days ahead for my fellow Spoonies” – Nova Known

The app is so great it should be paid by the government to help people.” – Morguy

I have several chronic illnesses that I was obsessively tracking in a spreadsheet and across several notebooks. This app simplified everything and made that process so much easier and less stressful for me. I hope it does the same for you!

Chronic illness or whatever you may be going through isn’t your fault. It’s something that is happening to you, not something you’ve done nor is it who you are. I know it’s hard and days can be dark but you can do this! Take care of yourself and do what you can. I promise it’s enough. ” – Teri

“When I took the time to try & log things, it grew into such a helpful tool for my mental health, I genuinely had to get premium and I really don’t usually do any kind of paid subscriptions, so that’s saying something. With bad memory due to mental illness it gets really hard to envision times that aren’t current circumstances or feelings, so to be able to review what has happened before and understand how it can benefit, or hinder my present self, is a serious help. Also genuinely the only way I can keep track of my meds effectively. The interface is easy to get used to. Just 100000% recommend and I hope everyone who needs it can get the chance to access it!” – Kai

“Bearable has revolutionized the way doctors perceive my illnesses: I have empirical data. I can’t afford much and thank you to Bearable for making this an affordable thing to do. This is LITERALLY changing disabled people’s lives. So if I can help F-yes. I’ll go without extras if someone can experience a little less medical gaslighting.” – Junipper

Bearable has been incredibly beneficial in my self study. I believe everyone should be able to utilize tools to track their moods, experiences, etc—it is so important! But the cherry on top is being able to see the correlations between what I’m doing and how I’m feeling. For instance—I’ve found I sleep better when I read a bit before bed; I’m also able to see exactly how much movement/exercise positively impacts my moods. This app is incredible—I’d even say LIFESAVING. I’d been looking for something like this for long enough—so happy I found it in Bearable. Thank you so much, Bearable team, for bringing to the world a true gift. You are so appreciated!!” – DommaMomma

“I have been poor all my life and even though I’m in debt I’m able to help a little and I hope others that can give, DO. I’ve witnessed empirical data from Bearable have a huge impact on my life via mitigating medical racism, tracking my symptoms / connecting my triggers and improving relationship with medical providers. Everyone deserves this app 💜” – Jess

“Having better mental health has vastly improved my life and I hope for someone else struggling to find the clarity or success in this imperfect journey of life.” – thekokatron

“Because I had something to give back to the community.” – Vlad

“Bearable helped me so much with my ASD, ADHD and chronic stuff that it’s only natural for me to help someone else.” – Vincent

“I hope this helps make life more manageable” – Dysana


 ❤️ – thejessss

  🌿 – SpiderBroJenkins

“I’m doing okay. I’m getting better. And I want that for other people too.” – Landen

“Using the paid version of the app helped me get a life-changing diagnosis. I want that for someone else!” – Liz

“EveryBODY needs a little help sometimes, including me – that’s why I’m a Bearable 🐻‍❄️” – AngelMama

“As a person with a chronic illness, I know how much impact just a little bit of insight can have of one’s day to day life. I want to share that with others ❤️” – Hanne

True strength is kindness” – Oleald

Yes you can do this” – W3ndy

“I’ve struggled financially most of my life and am currently in a position to be able to help others, at least a little.” – Bea

“I have been using Bearable for a few years now, I looked at some other trackers they were not as efficient as Bearable and not as easy to use and you can tailor it to your needs I feel others should have a chance to better their health, mind and body” – Pookiechi